Most of us have been gaming long enough to have our favorite games/ best genres and favorite characters. It is safe to say if you are here posting about games, you are passionate about gaming and it has helped shape who you are today.
I saw a great video today on the topic Here and it really got me thinking of games that define me. They don't necessarily have to be your favorite games. They just need to be games that shaped your gaming style and had a significant impact on your life.
In no particular order, here are my 3 games that defined who I am as a gamer:
1. Final Fantasy 10
Its my avatar:P Final Fantasy 10 was my first Final Fantasy and is the game that made me realise that I will ALWAYS be a gamer.
I got it really late (2005) and actually got it by accident since I was short of 10 euro to afford another game and it was available for dirt cheap 10 euros.
From the music (To Zanarkand) to the gameplay strategies to the story, it all resonated with me so much. I could relate with Tidus and his parental issues I could relate with Wakka dealing with your faith being tested, I could relate with Yuna and feeling the pressure of the world on you. As a 12-13 year old, this was mind blowing to me that games could do this.
My brother who isn't much of a gamer (Plays sports games & GTA mostly) got so into watching me play the game, he would actually tell me not to continue the story until we both were at home and we would play till the early hours of the morning. He was brains behind my battle strategies (Oh Gosh I remember how relieved we were when we beat Seymour on Mt Gagazet!) I played the game all summer (200 hours +) and when the end credits rolled, I shed a tear and knew for sure, I would be a gamer for as long as they keep making games.
2. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
The game that got me into online gaming.
I had played online games before (My first one was SOCOM Fireteam Bravo on PSP) but COD4 is when I realised the joy that online gaming could bring. I was never a huge shooter fan. I would play the odd one here and there but in the holiday season 2007 I had enough money saved up for one game (Uncharted 1 or this) I decided this would give me more value for money since it is online and I am so glad I made that choice.
The ranking system was addictive. Seeing my perks unlock and seeing how it made me more effective online than others who did not have them and Clan wars.
I was in a clan with people I met in the game (some of them I still chat with to this day) and it was exciting to chat with real people and do some major damage whilst having each other's backs.
My parents used to think I was mad for having a conversation in the room by myself and even threatened to take my PS3 away until I proved that I was actually chatting with real people online LMAO!
I played COD4 so much that I play it till this day. Never got into the other COD games that much but this one made me realise online gaming can be extremely entertaining.
3. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
People to this day still quote so many lines from this game, it is clear the social impact it had on many gamers lives.
This was my first GTA game. I had only heard about it in passing so I went in with no expectations.
I hadn't played a Sandbox open world game so being given so much freedom to go around and do whatever I wanted to do was a great surprise. I think out of all the GTA games released, this one easily has the most amount of content crammed into the Single Player. I beat the game over 10 times over the years on various platforms and I STILL find new stuff I missed on subsequent playthroughs. Wanna just drive around? Sure. You wanna have gang shootouts? Have at it. Wanna just do the story missions and skip everything else? Your game, your rules.
As a fan of hip-hop & rap music, I loved driving around listening to Radio Los Santos & WCTR. The story was entertaining throughout. (San Fierro is my favorite city) The characters are memorable (Who doesn't know Big Smoke lol) The missions were the most varied in a GTA game and I loved how NPCs would react to you if you were buff or fat. I felt like I was in a real world for 2004 game standards and my love affair with R* has just grown throughout the years.
So those are my 3 games that I'd say define who I am as a gamer. What would you say yours are?
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