Alright so its been about 3- 4 months later and can anyone say they really LOVED halo 3 and it met up with the hype? Ok i guess my topic title was misleading, i kinda liked halo 3 but it didnt even come close to the hype... the single player was just garbage... i have to admit it,
the gameplay was exactly the same as halo 1, thats not really a bad thing but when rachet and clank and metroid prime get lower scores for having the same gameplay as their predecessors it dosnt seem right that halo 3 not even get a mention about its 2001 type gameplay
the graphics were meh this game isnt very good looking in a technical sense but artistically it looks REALLY good since most devs never go for art style
The multiplayer is the only good thing you can really say about this game. its really fun but you just get the feeling youve done this already in halo 2 and youve done it even better in some games like ut 2004.
In conclusion if they took out the name "halo" out of this game and it was on ps3, wii or pc it would have gotten a 8 maybe 8.5 tops.
Disagree with me? tell me why
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