Nomura... Confirms!
Tetsuya Nomura, Director of the Kingdom Hearts franchise of games has confirmed that 3 new Kingdom Hearts games are planned, after Birth by Sleep releases.
Inthe"Birth by Sleep Ultimania"that contains an interview with Nomura, he had the following to say -
"About the next title, Kingdom Hearts 3 depends on Final Fantasy XIII Versus, but development of the next title is already underway. There are two titles other than Kingdom Hearts 3 in conception, and I think I'll release one within this year."
"As from next year, I want to put out a title with multiple main characters."
"The series won't end in Kingdom Hearts 3, more like the conclusion of the Xehanort saga."
"It's not the case that when Sora's story is over another hero's story will begin; Sora will be the hero until the end."
And on theWestern version of KH: BBS -
"We added the Critical degree of difficulty, more cutscenes, more songs to the Rhythmic Ice Cream mini game, more Keyblades, more types of enemies and altered battle balance. I still can't say we'll release a Final Mix, but we can't give it the generous treatment like with Re: Chain of Memories."
Thanks for the translation (and news!) goes to
Anyway... Let the seemingly contantdebates over where KH3 will end up, commence.
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