The PS3 is the best console this generation... not my opinion but fact.... many developers and analysts stated this claim and it's coming true to fact... anyway THIS IS SYSTEM WARS!!!!!... it dosent matter what is fact!!!!.... everything is based on opinion, i've been coming here for the past few weeks and i've been reading some of the most ridiculous threads i've seen anywhere!!... but that's the beauty of system wars, there always is some type of entertaining thread i can get a laugh out of everyday!!!..... I'm no fanboy (although after this list you guys may want to believe I am strongly), TBH they way I see it fanboyism is for teens at the age of 12>>>>17.... I'm not being paid by Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo... I don't see the benefit in me promoting their product... I don't gain any thing by the rapid rate the Wiis are selling at or how by much Halo3 broke records or by how much PS3 is beating 360 in worldwide sales,NOT A DAMN CENT goes into my pocket from these muti-million/billion dollar compaines..... so I don't see the logic in telling someone they are an idiot for purchasing the console of their choice.... I always look at these fanboys and LMAO... they have no life what so ever in isolating someone and calling them idiots because they did not buy the console they did...... anyway onto the list:
- PS3 is the most reliable console this gen
- RESISTANCE 2 give the mighty GEARS OF WAR 2 a run for it's money... Â
- MGS4>>>>> anything on 360
- MAG>>> anything on 360
- KILLZONE 2>>>>> anything on 360
- GOD OF WAR 3>>>>> anything on 360
- LBP>>>>>> anything on 360
- HEAVY RAIN>>> anything on 360
- GRAND TURISMO 5 >>>>> any racing sim on 360
- TEAM ICO PROJECT guaranteed>>>>>> anything on 360Â
- PS HOME>>> XBL and the NXE
- PSN is free
- The CELL!!!!
- The most powerful system on the market
- The few very good developers are seeing their dream come true with the PS3 architecture eg. (MGS4, KZ2, HEAVY RAIN, GOW 3)Â
- KILLZONE 2 reaches 40% of the PS3 potential
- BLU RAY=more storage=longer more quality games
- easily made to swap hard drive storage
- DS3=best contorller this gen
- the PS3 architecture is hard to develop for but the devs are getting a hand of it and... eg KZ2
- potentially better achievement/trophy system being implemented....Â
- 0.2% failure rate compared to 33%
- wifi standard
- built in powerbrick
- Sony made the sexiest looking console (I hump it from time to time)
- KB/M support
- built in web browser
- cheaper accessories
- exclusive capcom store on PSN
- Bluetooth
- Better first party support

I'm a fanboy!!!!Edited on Nov 30, 2008 5:23 pm GMTEdited 2 total times.
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