So I have been reading on the wonderful world of System Wars. I start to giggle.
"The 360 only has shooter....No variety."
"Get a PS3 and you will get more variety....."
I own a PS3 and it really isonly is used for a DVD player and play a game here and there. So the game variety is a little lacking. Now there are some games I want to play but have not had the time due to playing ME, Crysis and The Witcher to much, but that is another story.
I do have a question for you all. MGS4 is what kind of game? From what I have seen in the gameplay footage it is a stealth TPS. What kind of game is Killzone? Uncharted...TPS with some platforming.How about UT3? What about Haze? From the list have supplied there is a lot of shooter type of games. These are also very hyped games.
Do not get me wrong. I think shooters are a good thing. Company looks at what is selling and makes that type of game. They want to make money.
I understand there are other games out there. Final Fantasy/Lost Odyssey, LBP/Banjo(whatever it is.) and ect ect...
Also please do not say MGS is not a shooter. I can stealth in Crysis so does that not make it a shooter anymore?
The 360 does have its shooters and some of the most high profile games are shooters so that is were it must get it's stereotype.
I understand that this is System wars and there is very little logic used. I just thought I would throw this out there.
"Do not take life too seriously....You will not get out alive!"
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