360 fans here on SW are really celebrating so called console graphics kings that dont really deserve it - Crysis 2 and Gears 3. Before Crysis 2, nothing came even close to PS3 exclusives.
Crysis 2 put 360 back on the map with very impressive lighting effects and only performance issues, texture popins, bad physics and lack of polish kept it from being up there on par with the best looking PS3 exclusives.
Now Gears 3 is on the horizon and 360 fans are dancing around their fireplayces worshipping a new CGK again, but from what Ive seen its basically just another Unreal Engine game with some nice textures and incredibly lame character animations. It will indeed be excellent shooter that will be great fun to play, but its not much about graphics.
And in the meantime idSoft is cooking their Rage and many Carmacs quotes indicate that 360 will be getting the superior version once again - and from what Ive seen so far THIS is finally the game on 360 that has a shot on matching and maybe even beating games like God of War 3, Killzone 2, Killzone 3 and Uncharted 2 graphically, yet Im not hearing much hype about it. Your thoughts?
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