Because they'll be actually playing good games, instead of bashing each other
360 Exclusives
-Fable 2 (RPG)
-Call of Juarez (Western FPS)
-Overlord (Fantasy Action Adventure)
-Mobile Ops: The One Year War (Mech sim)
-Mass Effect (Sci-Fi RPG w/ shooter elements)
-Blue Dragon (RPG)
-Culdcept Saga (RPG)
- Halo3 (FPS)
-Tenchu Z (Historic action adventure)
- Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (Flight sim)
- Banjo Kazooie 3 (platformer)
-MotoGP'07 (motorcycle sim)
-Halo Wars (RTS)
-Too Human (Sci-Fi Action Adventure)
-Lost Odyssey (RPG)
- Eternal Sonata (RPG)
-Forza 2 (racing sim)
-Hour of Victory (Historic FPS)
-Infinite Undiscovery (RPG)
-Splinter Cell 5
-Gears of War 2
- PGR4
- DOA5
- Naruto
- Dark Masiah of might and magic
- ninja gaiden 2
Games on the PC and 360 EXCLUSIVELY
*Shadowrun (Fantasy FPS)
* Sacred 2: Fallen Angel (RPG)
* Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (TPS)
*TimeShift (FPS)
-Knights Under Fire: Circle of Doom (RPG)
* Huxley (MMOFPS)
*Left 4 Dead (Horror)
* CnC: Tiberian Wars (RTS)
*Age of Conan (MMORPG)
* 2 days 2 Vegas (Modern Action Adventure)
*Bioshock (FPS/RPG)
*Alan Wake (Modern Action Adventure)
*Marvel Universe Online (MMO)
*Postal 3
- Devil May Cry 4
-Resident Evil 5
-BF: Bad Company
- Assassins Creed
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