This is not a shooter. It's more of a platformer/adventure. You don't need to shoot people. Tons more fun to just jump around the city maxing your abilities and messing around. Or if you want to you can download the free DLC and cheat, but you really shouldn't. This game deserved the Halo 3 beta sales.
Dead Rising
Hitting zombies and eating pies, mmm. Zombies eating pie. And golfballs.
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Kind of shootey, but that mostly depends on your styl of play. It's a sneaker at heart.
Viva Pinata
If you're into gardening (or whatever you should call it) and incestous, cannibalistic paper animals, this is for you, you sick bastard. The game never really clicked with me though.
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage
Only out in Europe so far. Awesomest current-gen racing game ever.
Fight Night 3
Seriously. You don't need to like boxing, or fighting games even. It is kind of light on the content though.
Guitar Hero II
Obviously. You need the guitar though. Too bad about the sucky DLC. I guess at this point you're better off waiting for Rock Band.
A real platformer/adventure. Didn't like it myself. Bought it for $5, played it for 15 minutes and later traded it in for GTAIV. But apparently some people like the game.
Forza Motorsport 2
The racing game to own if you're into more realistic ones.
Oh yes, Condemned and Table Tennis too, forgot about those, mainly because I haven't played them.
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