i am so tired of seeing people say "teh ps3 have no AAAE" "teh 360 have teh so many games".
now im a fan of both systems, favoring the ps3, but i also know that AAAE games arend the only games that exist, and are worth playing. but im going to stoop to lemming mentality. using your logic, im going to list all the games worth geting on the 360 and ps3
Halo 3, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears
Upcoming games (only ones that will most likely be AAAE): Gears 2, Ninja Gaiden 2
(i did not put mass effect, because ps3 is geting that)
Resistance:FoM, Ratchet and Clank Future:ToD, Uncharted
that list looks pretty dim, but the best games come out within 3 months.
Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Online-its agreed even my lems that this game will be better than most of the 360s entire library combined. i list these as 2 seperate games even tho they are one, because they will each be beter than any of the 360s titles each in a different genre. comes out in 2 months.
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue- funny how lemms bash this game so much because its a demo, but the real irony is that a demo happens to have more content that the "real versions" of all of its 360 competition in the genre. its enough content to be a standalone game, equal in content to forza, PGR, and ridge, yet you are paying 20$ less, so shutup about it being a demo. comes out in 15 days.
Resistance 2: 60 player multi AAAE shooter. due out late summer, early fall.
Killzone 2: AAAE shooter, due out late summer, early fall.
God of war 3: late 08
FF13 and ff vs 13:late 08
now look at ps3s top games , compared to 360s top 4, using lem logic the ps3 is better, and the 360 must be burned and destroyed. but therre are more games than that. for instance
Wipeout HD, tekken 6
now AAAE games are not the only games worth playing. lems you cannot bash ps3 fans with "just wait" anymore. most of the list comes out between 2-8 weeks, all AAAE. but not just the upcoming games, look at the ps3s top current games , RFoM, uncharted... listed above. now say that it has no games
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