I am very satisfied with the 360. When I first bought it and was leaving the store with a second controller, Live, and Gears of War I was regretting it. It came to like $850 bucks and this was in Nov 2006. But Gears of War alone made buying a 360 a great purchase. To this day I still play Gears online.
But a reason why I decided to go 360 instead of PS3 or Wii was because of Rare and Silicon Knights supporting it. I was a Gamecube /64 owner so I experienced the great games from these two developers. So far on that front I haven't been fully satisfied. Viva Pinata and Kameo were solid games and I'm still waiting on Too Human and Banjo which will both be awesome.
Also, the Burnout series and Grand Theft Auto series has continued on the 360 console.
Plus the 360 has had great games like Bioshock, Mass Effect, COD4, Halo 3, The Orange Box, Saints Row, The Darkness, and Eternal Sonata. All these games have given me great gaming experiences.
The only problem I've had with my 360 is that I wish it had more platformers because that's something it lacks.
I'd like to play MGS4 and Little Big Planet on the PS3 but that still won't justify paying 500 bucks for the PS3. However, I'll be buying one anyways very soon.
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