Well I'm going to be total honest I'm starting to suffer fro to many good games burn out on my 360. I mean i have been playing good games for a long time on this great system.
But now I'm finding myself getting bored and looking for some under dog time on my 60gig PS3. I luvthe R&C demo it rocks. And I'm finding myself way more hyped for Uncharted then i am for Mass Effect. I think I'm feeling this way because I'm so used to great games on m 360. I mean now it's becoming like great just another spectacular game on my 360 oh boy woo hoowhatever SARCASM. And I'm thinking man i really want to get into this $600 disaster Sony released. Is there a glimmer of hope for this thing. Well i think there is. And i'm starting to see that there could be some benefits to the Blu-Ray thing. Not for the fact of disk swapping because thats not a big deal to me. But i do think in the next year or so we will start to see a lot of game on PS3 that will be offering better sounds and more of them and less recycled textures with graphics because of the much more space available.
Back to Uncharted i truly think this will be a showcase game for what's to come from PS3. Although i do think Mass Effect may look slightly better. Either way i've seen some great things from Uncharted. And the gameplay i have seen is great with the jumping vine swinging cliff grabbing and the cover system like Gears is pretty sweet i must say. And if they can get the shooting gameplay nailed i will luv this game. My only grip is i want the dam Duel Shock 3 controller for this game. Does anyone know if i can order an import one from Japan?
Anyway my point to this is clearly the 360 ROCKS with games but I'm getting tired of just all these great games i want to give my PS3 a chance because I'm starting to see there is some big potential in this thing. Just Sony really screwed there first year up with this thing. I'm also looking forward to Socom on PS3 i always liked that game a lot.
So is this normal what I'm feeling is anyone else finding themselves ready to give PS3 a bit more playtime these days?
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