Lets cut to the chase here.
- The developers for Tony Hawk had far more time with the dev kits to optimise the code to allow faster loading times for the 360 version compared to the PS3 version - hence the hideous performance on the PS3.
- With Oblivion, the PS3 version was made to cache upon boot, hence the additional loading time (and better fluidity post boot)
- With R6 Vegas, we do not know if that 360 still had cached data on its HDD or not (ie, if he went through the recommended... what? 5 game caching cycle)
Either ways, the PS3, as you all know (given the slower data transfer rate when on the outer edges of a blue-ray disk) will indeed have slower booting [ed] times.
However, developers also have the opportunity to cache to HDD on every PS3. Hence, like computers with SATA drives - post initial boot - the PS3 version will have superior loading / streaming performance (given equally optimised code on both systems).
Whether we'll ever see games equally optimised in the PS3's favour or not is another question. I'm beginning to believe that western developers' knowledge of each hardware make will never reach a point where they can get more performance out of the PS3 version (when code begins for the 360 or PC).
PS. How on earth does the Cell have anything to do with this? Crap like that is just flame-bait.
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