I see a bunch of E3 related stuff in this section so i figured i'd mix it up.
PS3 has 7 wireless ports for accessories to link up to at once. 360 has i dunno 4?
PS3 > 360
PS3 has built in wifi 360 does not
PS3 > 360
360 has a better online service (overall, but lacks some key features PS3 has (Internet))
360 > PS3
Epic level of exclusives that are never PC shared
PS3 > 360
Hard Drive standard
PS3 > 360
Better controller
Equal Whether you hate the d pad or hate the triggers.
Better looking Console
PS3 > 360
Less likely to break down period
PS3 > 360
Pushedby an American Company
360 > PS3 I'm I love American products and love to jump to the Xbox if only it had PS3's exclusives.
Easier to develope for
360 > PS3
Bigger gaming Library
360 > PS3
More relevant new accessory
PS3 > 360 Move 1:1 ratio vs Natel being Eye Toy like tech (oops thats E3 related)
I tried.
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