Confirmed GOTY Games List:
PC- World in Conflict (It's a good RTS game), The Orange Box (its okay).
360- Halo 3 (300 million sold in one day), Forza 2 (Best Racer Ever), Mass Effect (Best RPG Ever), PGR4 (Best Aracde Racer Ever), Ace Combat 6 (Best Flight Game), and Lost Odessy (Best RPG Ever).
Wii- None
PS3 - None
Future GOTY Titles for 2007
PC- Crysis (8.5), UT3 (8.5, nothing on Halo 3's Multiplayer)
360- All the games are out.
Wii- Mario
PS3- None, again. Lawl.
The 360 has almost 10 GOTY games, the PC will only have 3 or 4 at the most, Wii has one, and PS3 has no games at all. It's simple math that 360 will win in the GOTY. So please stop hating the 360 and just buy a cheap one and play.
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