I don't know why everyone has such huge doubts here. Maybe it is a gimmick, but why isn't HD then? I have an HDTV which I use for TV and 2 SDTVs split between my Wii, 360, and PS3. Every once in a while (like 4 times a year) I bring my PS3 out of the basement and slap it on the HDTV to try Uncharted, Killzone, or Burnout. It looks pretty, but it doesn't ruin the experience. I can live without HD and I would have never payed thousands of dollars for a prettier picture when I can have an SDTV for 1/4 of the cost. Today, they are much more affordable. I don't think 3D is THAT much more expensive than HD when it first started (but I may be wrong) so what is different here?
I really want someone to explain to me why 3D is a gimmick and HD isn't. A prettier picture and a picture with more depth aren't amazingly different. 3D is going to be fairly big the glasses stink. I think we all know that, but then you have the regular HD channel. You get dizzy, switch to the HD channel. Just like the switch to HD, SD is still an option, atleast with DISH it is. When the cost drops, it could be bigger than HD. Besides, the glasses don't cost that much, its $16 at my theater for a ticket to Avatar and they give you free glasses. The glasses MUST be pretty cheap at this point.
You know what I want this gen. I want a DVR built in my PS3/360. I want to be able to start a recording in a game, and stop it, via the XMB and Xbox dashboard, and end it. Then save the replay to my HDD, so I can show it to other people, or record to a certain segment, then continue right there, anytime. When ever I want to do the collapsing building part in Uncharted 2, I have to load up chapter 6, and play 10 minutes until I get to the segment. I want to jump into a replay at any time. In game DVR, it worked with TV, why not video games.
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