3. The dutch edition of the official playstation magazine just published there review in the newest issue.
They gave it a 96 (same they gave to GTA4, I don't think any other PS3 game got that yet).
Graphics: 18/20
Music/Sound: 20/20
Gameplay: 58/60
Positive points: Worthy finale of the series, perfect camera, controls and sound, epic storyline, weapons
Negative points: Graphics could be a bit better, story too complex for people who are not into the series
Stuff I found interesting (maybe spoilers in here):
- You can play music on the portable mp3 player snake has from the PS3's hard disc.
- They couldn't say anything about the story we didn't know yet (had to sign a paper), but they said that you should get the game already just for the story.
- Through the game, Snake acts like a soldier who welcomes death. He has a 'death wish'.
- They ended their first playthrough with 300 kills.
- The bossfight against octopus takes place in a South American labratory. She can disguise herself as several objects and figures.
- They discribe Raging Raven as a human bomber who constantly takes away your stragatical advantages by destroying your places to hide.
- Crying Wolf is very fast and has a rail gun that can could shoot snake to a pile of ash really quick.
- Besides the B&B unit, there is also the chance to finally finish of some very hard to defeat enemies from the previous games.
- Cutscenes are amazing, they especially mention the ending epilogue which is (litteraly translated) brainbreaking.
- After the first playthrough, some new goodies and new but extremely expensive parts become available in Drebin's shop.
- There is again a return of several special gameplay and story aspects from the previous games. They especially occur during the return to Shadow Moses Island.
- Completely original, but not a 100% perfect, is actually only Snake's mission in an unnamed Eastern Europe country.
- The story goes about a choise between the systematical 'force to' (couldn't find a better word to translate this (opleggen)) order or to keep the free will in every individual citizen or soldier.
- They think MGS4 is a bullseye as a game. GTAIV may have a longer playability, Assassins Creed may have better graphics but on many aspects MGS4 is coming out. The suspens of the story, the perfect controls, the amazing sound directions and of course the emotion, it's hard to find all this in one game.
- The biggest power of the game is the biggest negative point, if you liked the long, complex story of the previous MGS's, you will love MGS4. But if you didn't like it, you won't like MGS4 purely as an action game (there are better games for that).
Closing Comment: The most important thing we can say about MGS4 is that we would have peace with it if this would be the final chapter of the series. For a game that had to carry so many expectations, that seems the biggest compliment too us. An emotional, intense, and worthy closure, especially for the real fans. R.I.P.
4. Play-Generation Italy.
Score: 97/100 (same of GTAIV).
Also they say that Vamp will be defeated by a combined action of Raiden and Snake and that the game suffers of the "Return of The King Syndrome" for the ending part. They also said there will be a sort of "stalking" section with Snake (the one dressed like Blade Runner's main character) and that there will be several vehicle sequences (like the one in the motorbike) and that Snake will drive a HUGE machine (probably the rex, but I don't know). Score unknown.
5. The Official US PS Mag gave it 5/5
6. Also PSM Italy gave Mgs4 10/10
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