I think all the next gen systems are expensive.
Wii - $250 for a minor upgrade of the GCN (sorry sheep, but hardwarewise it's true). I'll probably eventually buy a wii, but mostly because I didn't have a gamecube, and want some fun party games casuals can play.
360 - $400 for basically a run of the mill next gen system, but $100 more (even if you count inflation). I love the 360's games but hardwarewise it's no more cutting edge than the xbox, ps2, ps1, n64, or GCN was when they were released.
PS3 - I really don't care how much sony hypes it, the hardware isn't impressive for gaming. Any game on the ps3 could be made for the 360 and look just as good (except the 360 version will cost less, and take less time to develop also you'll basically have a PC version of the game also).
very true.
i think i probably will get a wii once they stop becoming so damn elusive. if only for Mario, it'll be worth it.
if your gonna get a 360, the elite would be the best deal, though thats just me, i like to get the biggest collectors setversions of products and stuff, though i was kinda forced into the 20gig ps3. but any 360 can play gears, so thats a plus for whatever unit you pick, and many other fun games i would snatch in a heartbeat if i could afford one.
it is a bit over-hyped, but its actually pretty impressive for the next-gen systems. wireless top models, blu-ray discs hold more for bigger games, six-axis controller...eh, cell allows for more stuff to happen, like environment and ai. it needs more games and the best game out for it now is a launchy says allot about all its current lineup.
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