Now, I just read part of a topic on this board about 4d graphics, some of you may still find it.
For those of you who don't know, or to those of you who knew but forgot, 4D graphics are quite impossible. You see the Fourth Dimension could not be a graphic because it is visually inconceivable.
There are 3 dimensions that humans (and probably all life) can perceive; Length, Width and Heighth.
The Fourth Dimension, or 4D, is time. Time is considered the fourth dimension. Time is not solid to us nor is it visible. It is a concept; an idea. But an idea that exists, and is more real than you will ever know.
The Fourth Dimension can not be a 'graphic', but now that I think about it , all games have incorporated the Fourth Dimention otherwise it wouldn't be a game let alone, fun.
There are theoretically 11 dimensions. Those 8 remaining will always be nothing more than an idea to us, for we can never perceive them.
Watch this *informative*
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