I'm holding out on PS3 untill the release of MGS4. The day MGS4 gets released in Europe and America you guys are going to see a MASSIVE boost in PS3 sales. MGS4 iscalled by most as the mother of all exclusives and highly enticipated, it will definitely be a game that no gamer will want to ignore.
FF13 is another massive exclusive that will put PS3 above the Wii in Japan and I'm sure its going to be successful in Europe and America also.
GT5 which will also be massively popular considering its the definitive driving game enjoyed by millions.
I can see Killzone 2 being an awesome game also, I just hope Sony and Guirrilla are doing everything possible to make this a stand-out FPS for PS3. Killzone 2 will attract people who like those gritty dark shooters like Bioshock and GeOW. Sony also has to show us amazing footage and gameplay as well as advertise this game like ccrazy to get it noticed all over.
LittleBigPlanet will also be a really popular game as it has worldwide appeal and will no doubt sell like ccrazy.
so in my opinion MGS4, FF13, GT5, KZ2 and LBP are definitely 100% guaranteed to succeed and I would like to add, AAA guaranteed :D
I'm not being fanboyish because if you think about it games like Halo 3 and Super Mario Galaxy were also guaranteed to be successful and AAA a year before they came out. next year PS3 doesn't have 1 not 2 and not even 3, but 5 thats right 5 guaranteed successful games :)
its going to be great to be a PS3 owner next year :D
more exclusives below:
- White Knight (2008 )
- Infamous (2008 )
- Eight Days (2008 or early 2009)
- WarDevil (2008 )
- Nobi Nobi Boy (2008 or early 2009)
- Afrika (2008 )
- L.A. Noir (2008 or early 2009)
- Heavy Rain (2008 or 2009)
- Final Fantasy versus 13 (2008 )
- God Of War 3 (2009)
- Tekken 6 (2008 )
- The Getaway 3 (2008 )
- Resistance 2 (2008 )
- Motorstorm 2 (2008 )
oh oh let me guess the replys "bu bu teh PS3 suxxurs now" :cry:
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