@mems_1224 said:
no, its better to buy and actually own the game than rent it for $50. c'mon tormentard
That depend because last time i check gamefly or any other rental service didn't gave you access to all the games you rented at once for as long as you pay.
On gamefly you pay $22.99 per month and you can have 2 games at once,you can't have more,on PSN+ you pay 20 and get access to 6 games minimum on 3 different platforms ,that is 18 games in 3 month and buying those at $20 = $360 dollars for 18 games that probably will end loss on your console once it cycle runs out,or loss on you PC because you loss interest on them.
Fact is PSN+ is great and is a great way to play games,considering you are a freaking die hard lemming who defended paying $50 and $60 for something the whole world was getting free last gen i say you have no horse on this race and you opinion is null.
You payed for live which was basically a scam and if it wasn't for sony you would still be paying for sony since it was sony who bring PSN+ idea of games to the market what you now call games with gold..lol
@lostrib said:
The point is that it's not free as your title/OP claims
Is not free but is a much better deal than steam,considering you will not only get Rocket league and you will continue to get more games for those $20,and as long as you keep paying you can have those games + new ones 2 while on Steam those $20 get you 1 game.
Hell is even better if it is a game which you want to play but you are not sure it is worth the $20 or is something of a pick a play and drop not even close to all games are keepers that is why gamestop is fill with used ones..
@mems_1224 said:
Word, PS+ is a pretty decent rental service but the games they let people rent lately have been pretty meh
Considering that you are a BLIND BIASED Lemming of the worse which find nothing to be good on PS i say again you opinion is null completely irrelevant.
PSN+ >>>>>>>>>>>> Live with gold and without it to and many article pointed that last gen and how MS could keep charging idiots like you for something every one got free,fact is lemmings are the Kings when it comes to drop money for nothing like all you did for what 11 years for live.? Until it receive a copy of PSN+ in the form of games with gold.?
You payed $50 for something PS3 owners were getting free and you defend it,oh and on PS3 last gen there were PC PS3 cross play,and mods something live didn't allow and which lemmings make a parade for now on xbox one,yeah it is good to party like it is 2007..lol
That ahead PSN was in features that count vs xbox live,oh not to mention that the whole family plan MS wanted on xbox one,was already on PS3 as well since PSN games could be share with up to 5 users..lol
So you see PSN+ is great and is not because sony hide online play on it that is a minus for PSN + not a + since it should be FREE like it is on PC and cell phones,live on the other hand just recently has become some how worth paying for..
But you are to hypocrite to see that i assume..lol
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