I hardly thought I'd see the day when a character with a video game history as shoddy as Batman's would get the much-coveted AAA status, and yet here we are. I thought the demo was a lot of fun, and I was hoping for the best, but dang! I seriously need to get this game now. The demo actually felt like a game where I was playing as Batman, rather than a generic action hero dressed up like him. It looks like the glass cieling for liscensed superhero games has finally been shattered for real!
Batman has a great history of video game titles...
Batman the video game and batman the video game 2 for the nes were really good platformers, the first one was one of the best on the system.
Batman returns and Batman based on the animated series on the snes were also great games.
I guess you meant Superman?
So they had some half decent games 3 gens ago, that makes a great history? thats 3 gens of crappy batman games, thats not a great history.
Half decent? Ok, there's no point discussion this any further with you i see.
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