Like with the PS3 & the 360 challenges; it's about the same. This time, I'm asking for 12 exclusive franchises or 20 exclusive games, being those that are to be considered good (those that clearly help to justify a console's purchase). The for the Wii are the following:
-Wii Sports & Wii Play aren't allowed because the first one has great sales due in part to being bundled with the Wii in several regions; & the second one because its sales being propelled because of being bundled with a controller.
-Of the downloadable games, only those exlcusive & native to the Wii are allowed (no Virtual Console for retro systems, no multiplats, no PC/Wii shared titles).
-No Gamecube native titles.
-No Gamecube remakes.
-No general multiplats of any other kind.
-No timed exclusives (if any, I'm not sure about them).
-No Wii Channels that aren't officially games.
As always, all posts related to the topic are welcome, as long as they abide forum rules.
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