when i go on these forums and see console comparisons, i always notice that people tend to forget about wiiware and virtual console on the wii. here are a few great wiiware games:
WORLD OF GOO:this is an absoulte gem. it may seem like a puzzule game at first, but after a while you see that its much more deep, and much more complex than most puzzule games. if you own a wii, world of goo is a must.
LOST WINDS(AND THE UPCOMING SEQUEL): yes, i know this is an extremly short game(can be completed in 4 hours)but those 4 hours are marvoluos. Its a nice little adventure, calming, nice to look at and fun, this is a great too. also lost winds 2.
BIT. TRIP. BEAT: if any of you have seen images and short videos of this game, at first you were probably puzzled.What is this?A musical shooter??? well, it could very well be consisered that. if you think this game is easy, you are WAY off. this is probably the hardest game on wiiware. and thats saying something.
MEGA MAN 9: this is a must for mega man fans and fornostalgia fans. this game is a "classic" mega man, nearly no other characters(exept proto man) just Mega Man all the way. this game is also a difficult one.
thats just 4 of the great titles you can find on wiiware. they are less than half the price of wii/ps3/360 games, but are better than some games on the consoles. Then we have Virtual console, here are the "consoles"you can find on VC: NES,SNES, N64, NEO GEO, SEGA MASTER SYSTEM, SEGA MEGA DRIVE, COMMODORE, and the new VC ARCADE. here are some of the great classics you can find on VC:
super mario 64, starfox:lylat wars, super metroid, zelda:a link to the past.
well, there arew MANY more. i can't list ALL of them.:P
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