That was a nice read.Well written and very positive review.
"It still pales in comparison to the best movies or TV shows, of course, but as far as videogame stories go it's up there near the top, and the production values are terrific."
"...and it's all very well voice-acted"
"Often the feel of a level will change greatly throughout, as close-quarters interior fighting morphs into massive, vehicle-strewn landscapes around the next corner, and this variety within each stage is one of the campaign mode's greatest strengths. Even the heaviest encounters come with very few framerate drops, and while the visuals aren't as impressive as the likes of Gears of War in static shots, the HDR lighting, attention to detail in the art direction and the sheer amount of stuff going on at once makes Halo 3 more of a looker than it may first appear." -W00t, no morerepetetivelevel design...
"The music deserves more than just a passing mention. The game's score is absolutely exceptional: an enticing mix of orchestral bombast and menacing, atmospheric synths that ebbs and flows with the action, complementing the gameplay in ways that few videogames ever manage. Pleasingly, the wailing guitar fretwankery of some of Halo 2's more excessive moments has been consigned to history. This is officially a good thing." - W00t...Marty rox!!!
"It's not a Return of the Jedi, then, but a triumphant Return of the King.
Halo 3 is just a game, yes. But what a game. It's probably the easiest Gold Award we'll ever give, as well as being the first"
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