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Do you really think Sony will finish '07 and go through '08 without a lower priced unit??? You, sir, are waaaaaay off your rocker.
Nice try though. Maybe you and your buddies can think hard together a little more and come back with something better. K?
I already own a PS3. I don't care about sales. Not-A-StalkerDitto. Even still the PS3 will sell big time in 08. ;)
Yeah the price needs to come down. But even if it does its a big so what. They aren't offering anything worthwhile to the consumer. JiveT
uh hes talking abou the 2008 line up on the title...but he doesnt mention mgs4 lbp kz2 or anything...he doesnt mention all the awsome games coming to the ps3...if this was the other way around this would have already been called out by lemmings
Does the PS3 have some decent sounding games coming up in 2008 (since none of us have played them yet)? Sure. Although each and every one of them could still flop like Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc, even though this is not very likely. The sad truth is that no matter how many great games come out for the PS3 next year, the price is still going to keep the majority of console buyers away from the PS3. Even if the 80gig drops to $499, this is still way too high to sell many consoles, and people will go to the cheaper Wii and 360. The PS3 is simply not selling well at the current price. The price will still keep PS3 sales stale, regardless of what games are released in 2008. Price matters. Sorry. accameron
this thread fails so hard.Nothing you're saying is worsening the 08 line up in my mind. in fact you pretty much avoid mentioning any of the games.
jesus we're playing games for sales now
price only matters when talking about the products battling for no.1. price isn't going to make metal gear solid 4 less enjoyable :)
ok. who cares about sales? ill enjoy the games on my ps3 that i already own thanksski11buzz
Yeah I don't own a PS3 at the moment but I'm going to call this quoted for truth. Is this thread by any chance made by a sheep? Sales don't determine how good a game is.
[QUOTE="JiveT"]Yeah the price needs to come down. But even if it does its a big so what. They aren't offering anything worthwhile to the consumer. p2rus
uh hes talking abou the 2008 line up on the title...but he doesnt mention mgs4 lbp kz2 or anything...he doesnt mention all the awsome games coming to the ps3...if this was the other way around this would have already been called out by lemmings
Ok, let's mention MGS4, LBP, and KZ2. Other than a few hardcore fans of MGS, and some people interested in what LBP and KZ2 have to offer, they will still not sell a lot of systems. Yes, even the mighty MGS4 will not sell many more consoles. MGS is kind of a more "mainstream niche" title anyway. PS3 doesn't even have the superior versions of sports titles, for goodness sake! We might see s bump in sales around the time big games like MGS4 are released, but overall, it will not matter in the longrun. Price matters SO much to MOST people (i.e. the people who decide console races, the casuals), unlike us spoiled videogame nerds.
i have a ps3 and thats all that matters really to me
its not my fault poor people cant afford ps3 but thats their problem
get a job 500-600 dollars isnt that much
ha ha! Common PS3 person response. To all you "i have a ps3 and thats all that matters really to me" people, don't you understand that if PS3 sales continue to blow like they have been for its ENTIRE LIFE, that developers will not be making these huge exclusives that you covet so much? Other than the Sony 1st party titles, unless this trend changes, expect to see third party exclusives an extreme rarity on the PS3 in the future. Just wait.
Everyone keeps saying that Lair and Heavenly sword have flopped, yet I have not seen a review for them either yet, sure they very well might flop, but they havn't yet, and I'll be getting a PS3 in late 2007.dackchaaracctually GI gave Lair a 7.25 i dunno about HS
Does the PS3 have some decent sounding games coming up in 2008 (since none of us have played them yet)? Sure. Although each and every one of them could still flop like Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc, even though this is not very likely. The sad truth is that no matter how many great games come out for the PS3 next year, the price is still going to keep the majority of console buyers away from the PS3. Even if the 80gig drops to $499, this is still way too high to sell many consoles, and people will go to the cheaper Wii and 360. The PS3 is simply not selling well at the current price. The price will still keep PS3 sales stale, regardless of what games are released in 2008. Price matters. Sorry. accameron
really, because alot of people would shell out money in a heartbeat for a cheap blue ray player, along with their favorite gaming franchises 0_o.
Heavenly Sword has already flopped and Lair look sto follow suit. The Warhawk game will not fair well here either. The PS3 is doomed to fail this gen and nothing will save it. I am not happy about this because competiton is great for all of us gamers but SONY just keeps shooting themselves in the foot at every oppurtunity.Khansoul
warhawk achieved AA here as it was hyped.
ok. who cares about sales? ill enjoy the games on my ps3 that i already own thanksski11buzzYou should care if it reaches 10 mill. I learned that the hard wasy with my DC, and Saturn. Not saying the PS3 will go that route, but it better start picking up some steam soon.
[QUOTE="Khansoul"]Heavenly Sword has already flopped and Lair look sto follow suit. The Warhawk game will not fair well here either. The PS3 is doomed to fail this gen and nothing will save it. I am not happy about this because competiton is great for all of us gamers but SONY just keeps shooting themselves in the foot at every oppurtunity.snipe2004
warhawk achieved AA here as it was hyped.
Fanboys fail to read stickies, they are to focused on the "New message" button
so your saying all the ps3 games of 2008 will flop because of price :roll: just because PS3 is expensive doesnt mean all the games sucksonofabear17
No, my point was that no matter how many good games that the PS3 gets in 2008, it still won't sell well because of the price.
[QUOTE="sonofabear17"]so your saying all the ps3 games of 2008 will flop because of price :roll: just because PS3 is expensive doesnt mean all the games suckaccameron
No, my point was that no matter how many good games that the PS3 gets in 2008, it still won't sell well because of the price.
See you're wrong. The games do matter, fact is FFXIII and MSG4 are system sellers. After these are released there will be alot more console owners.
[QUOTE="tidus222"]i have a ps3 and thats all that matters really to me
its not my fault poor people cant afford ps3 but thats their problem
get a job 500-600 dollars isnt that much
ha ha! Common PS3 person response. To all you "i have a ps3 and thats all that matters really to me" people, don't you understand that if PS3 sales continue to blow like they have been for its ENTIRE LIFE, that developers will not be making these huge exclusives that you covet so much? Other than the Sony 1st party titles, unless this trend changes, expect to see third party exclusives an extreme rarity on the PS3 in the future. Just wait.
[QUOTE="p2rus"][QUOTE="JiveT"]Yeah the price needs to come down. But even if it does its a big so what. They aren't offering anything worthwhile to the consumer. accameron
uh hes talking abou the 2008 line up on the title...but he doesnt mention mgs4 lbp kz2 or anything...he doesnt mention all the awsome games coming to the ps3...if this was the other way around this would have already been called out by lemmings
Ok, let's mention MGS4, LBP, and KZ2. Other than a few hardcore fans of MGS, and some people interested in what LBP and KZ2 have to offer, they will still not sell a lot of systems. Yes, even the mighty MGS4 will not sell many more consoles. MGS is kind of a more "mainstream niche" title anyway. PS3 doesn't even have the superior versions of sports titles, for goodness sake! We might see s bump in sales around the time big games like MGS4 are released, but overall, it will not matter in the longrun. Price matters SO much to MOST people (i.e. the people who decide console races, the casuals), unlike us spoiled videogame nerds.
Yet you STILL fail to mention the biggest selling Sony 1st party title in existence....Gran Turismo. By the time GT, KZ, MGS4, andLBP are out, GTA will also be (hopefully) available. GT traditionally sells 12+ million a title. With all of those great games and a bona fide system seller in GT, what does the PS3 sales future have to worry about?
[QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="p2rus"][QUOTE="JiveT"]Yeah the price needs to come down. But even if it does its a big so what. They aren't offering anything worthwhile to the consumer. bforrester
uh hes talking abou the 2008 line up on the title...but he doesnt mention mgs4 lbp kz2 or anything...he doesnt mention all the awsome games coming to the ps3...if this was the other way around this would have already been called out by lemmings
Ok, let's mention MGS4, LBP, and KZ2. Other than a few hardcore fans of MGS, and some people interested in what LBP and KZ2 have to offer, they will still not sell a lot of systems. Yes, even the mighty MGS4 will not sell many more consoles. MGS is kind of a more "mainstream niche" title anyway. PS3 doesn't even have the superior versions of sports titles, for goodness sake! We might see s bump in sales around the time big games like MGS4 are released, but overall, it will not matter in the longrun. Price matters SO much to MOST people (i.e. the people who decide console races, the casuals), unlike us spoiled videogame nerds.
Yet you STILL fail to mention the biggest selling Sony 1st party title in existence....Gran Turismo. By the time GT, KZ, MGS4, andLBP are out, GTA will also be (hopefully) available. GT traditionally sells 12+ million a title. With all of those great games and a bona fide system seller in GT, what does the PS3 sales future have to worry about?
While I agree that GT is a system seller, (MUCH MUCH MUCH moreso that Final Fantasy or MGS, by a longshot), also keep in mind that when GT1, 2, and 3 were released, there was nothing else like it on the market. The graphics, depth, customization, etc, it was the best car simulation racing game by far, with basically nothing coming close to it. However, now Forza and other games have closed the gap, and arguably surpassed the gap on GT. GT will sell a lot when it finally releases, but due to the PS3 price, and the steep competition from Forza, PGR, etc it will not be as major as previous versions.
[QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="sonofabear17"]so your saying all the ps3 games of 2008 will flop because of price :roll: just because PS3 is expensive doesnt mean all the games suckbobaban
No, my point was that no matter how many good games that the PS3 gets in 2008, it still won't sell well because of the price.
See you're wrong. The games do matter, fact is FFXIII and MSG4 are system sellers. After these are released there will be alot more console owners.
Metal Gear Solid is NOT a system seller. The only reason that MGS2 sold so well was that it released a few months after the PS2 release, and it was one of the only big games out for it yet. It was sort of a tech demo for the PS2, since it had the best graphics at the time it released. The PS2 was competing with the inferior Dreamcast at the time, so it sold well, and MGS2 was one of the big titles (along with GT3) to sell on it. I really don't recall ground-breaking sales for MGS3, or for Subsistance on the XBOX, or for MGS Twin Snakes on the Gamecube. Do you?
Final Fantasy, I admit, will probably sell well. Still, that $500 pricetag on the PS3 is a huge hurdle to overcome, and I just don't see anthing happening with the PS3 sales numbers wise until it drops at least another $150 or so.
How can any of you argue that $500 will not prevent the majority of PS2 owners to upgrade to the PS3? $500/600 is simply ludicrous, and the PS3 will NEVER SELL WELL as long as it is anywhere near this price. And presently, only video nerds care anything about blu-ray. For most people in the world, the dust-covered PS2 sits by the standard resolution 25" tv, and it only used to play games.
Does the PS3 have some decent sounding games coming up in 2008 (since none of us have played them yet)? Sure. Although each and every one of them could still flop like Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc, even though this is not very likely. The sad truth is that no matter how many great games come out for the PS3 next year, the price is still going to keep the majority of console buyers away from the PS3. Even if the 80gig drops to $499, this is still way too high to sell many consoles, and people will go to the cheaper Wii and 360. The PS3 is simply not selling well at the current price. The price will still keep PS3 sales stale, regardless of what games are released in 2008. Price matters. Sorry. accameron
whatever, gimme the games......
ps3 sales will matter little this gen to whoever buys it. As long as 360 and ps3 combine to sell decently they will still get 3rd party games......The age of the 3rd party exclusive has died......sales mean less now than ever.
whatever, gimme the games......
ps3 sales will matter little this gen to whoever buys it. As long as 360 and ps3 combine to sell decently they will still get 3rd party games......The age of the 3rd party exclusive has died......sales mean less now than ever.
Sweet, then the 360 will continue to the trend of getting the superior multi-plats, every time?
whatever, gimme the games......
ps3 sales will matter little this gen to whoever buys it. As long as 360 and ps3 combine to sell decently they will still get 3rd party games......The age of the 3rd party exclusive has died......sales mean less now than ever.
I remember reading months ago in a rumor section of GI that Ubisoft had games like R6 Vegas done for the PS3, they were just waitingfor the install base to grow to make it worth it to release the game. Now that was just a rumor, but if true, sales are already affecting the PS3, you just don't see it.
[QUOTE="bobaban"][QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="sonofabear17"]so your saying all the ps3 games of 2008 will flop because of price :roll: just because PS3 is expensive doesnt mean all the games suckaccameron
No, my point was that no matter how many good games that the PS3 gets in 2008, it still won't sell well because of the price.
See you're wrong. The games do matter, fact is FFXIII and MSG4 are system sellers. After these are released there will be alot more console owners.
Metal Gear Solid is NOT a system seller. The only reason that MGS2 sold so well was that it released a few months after the PS2 release, and it was one of the only big games out for it yet. It was sort of a tech demo for the PS2, since it had the best graphics at the time it released. The PS2 was competing with the inferior Dreamcast at the time, so it sold well, and MGS2 was one of the big titles (along with GT3) to sell on it. I really don't recall ground-breaking sales for MGS3, or for Subsistance on the XBOX, or for MGS Twin Snakes on the Gamecube. Do you?
Final Fantasy, I admit, will probably sell well. Still, that $500 pricetag on the PS3 is a huge hurdle to overcome, and I just don't see anthing happening with the PS3 sales numbers wise until it drops at least another $150 or so.
How can any of you argue that $500 will not prevent the majority of PS2 owners to upgrade to the PS3? $500/600 is simply ludicrous, and the PS3 will NEVER SELL WELL as long as it is anywhere near this price. And presently, only video nerds care anything about blu-ray. For most people in the world, the dust-covered PS2 sits by the standard resolution 25" tv, and it only used to play games.
Shows the TC is a troll and should get banned.
Either that or he doesn't have a clue about anything.
The main MGS series has sold 15 million in its 3 main iterations, not counting the remakes and ports.. That is more than a "few hardcore" fans.
Oh and the price of the PS3 will come down. It won't be $500 forever. That is a fact.
Does the PS3 have some decent sounding games coming up in 2008 (since none of us have played them yet)? Sure. Although each and every one of them could still flop like Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc, even though this is not very likely. The sad truth is that no matter how many great games come out for the PS3 next year, the price is still going to keep the majority of console buyers away from the PS3. Even if the 80gig drops to $499, this is still way too high to sell many consoles, and people will go to the cheaper Wii and 360. The PS3 is simply not selling well at the current price. The price will still keep PS3 sales stale, regardless of what games are released in 2008. Price matters. Sorry. accameronOh wow! You have Heavenly Sword and Lair already? Since you apperently dont like them, can I have your copies please?
And if/when the price of the 80gb drops to $499, that's the price for the PS3 AND Motorstorm. Minus Motorstorm and that's what? $449? $439? Sound better? I think so.
Heavenly Sword has already flopped and Lair look sto follow suit. The Warhawk game will not fair well here either. The PS3 is doomed to fail this gen and nothing will save it. I am not happy about this because competiton is great for all of us gamers but SONY just keeps shooting themselves in the foot at every oppurtunity.Khansoul
owned haah 8.5
Also just as side note, I don't see Gran Turismo as a system seller, may just beme though. All the PS3 fans usually talk about is MGS and Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo may be thrown in as an afterthought.
Just to be curious I looked up the games on VGchartz, I know not everyone goes by them. Anyways according to them, GT3 sold over 14 million copies, however GT4 sold less than 9 mill, with a bigger installed base. Just does not scream system seller to me.
I don't know why price is still an issue? If you want the top of line 360 right now its 450 and change. If you want to play wirelessly, its going to cost you an extra 100 bucks. The PS3 is 500-600 dollars now. You don't have to pay for a wireless adapter or for an online service. You also don't have to buy something extra to play HD movies, unlike the xbox. The only reason the PS3 is currently behind the 360 is because of the headstart the 360 had and because it has a much better game selection at the moment. Thats it.
Eventually both systems will have enough quality games to justify their price tags and since I have both systems, I honestly don't care which system "wins". Competition simply allows for more quality games.
[QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="bobaban"][QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="sonofabear17"]so your saying all the ps3 games of 2008 will flop because of price :roll: just because PS3 is expensive doesnt mean all the games suckmentzer
No, my point was that no matter how many good games that the PS3 gets in 2008, it still won't sell well because of the price.
See you're wrong. The games do matter, fact is FFXIII and MSG4 are system sellers. After these are released there will be alot more console owners.
Metal Gear Solid is NOT a system seller. The only reason that MGS2 sold so well was that it released a few months after the PS2 release, and it was one of the only big games out for it yet. It was sort of a tech demo for the PS2, since it had the best graphics at the time it released. The PS2 was competing with the inferior Dreamcast at the time, so it sold well, and MGS2 was one of the big titles (along with GT3) to sell on it. I really don't recall ground-breaking sales for MGS3, or for Subsistance on the XBOX, or for MGS Twin Snakes on the Gamecube. Do you?
Final Fantasy, I admit, will probably sell well. Still, that $500 pricetag on the PS3 is a huge hurdle to overcome, and I just don't see anthing happening with the PS3 sales numbers wise until it drops at least another $150 or so.
How can any of you argue that $500 will not prevent the majority of PS2 owners to upgrade to the PS3? $500/600 is simply ludicrous, and the PS3 will NEVER SELL WELL as long as it is anywhere near this price. And presently, only video nerds care anything about blu-ray. For most people in the world, the dust-covered PS2 sits by the standard resolution 25" tv, and it only used to play games.
Shows the TC is a troll and should get banned.
Either that or he doesn't have a clue about anything.
The main MGS series has sold 15 million in its 3 main iterations, not counting the remakes and ports.. That is more than a "few hardcore" fans.
Oh and the price of the PS3 will come down. It won't be $500 forever. That is a fact.
Ha, I need to get banned? A little harsh, dude. I think that MGS will sell ok, and more than a few hardcore fans will buy it. But it is simply not a system seller. At least half of those sales were back in 99 or so when MGS1 came out, and most of the other half came out with MGS2, which like I said was more of a fun and cool tech demo for the PS2. MGS3 sold ok, but it proved that it was certainly not a huge, major crazy hit like so many people here claim. MGS 4 will probably sell a couple million, but at this point not much more than that, because I guarantee you that 100% of the 3-4 million PS3 owners will not be buying MGS4 (and even after the holidays the PS3 will not be above 5 million, at least not at this rate), and even if half the PS3 owners buy it, it will probably sell closer to MGS3 numbers as more PS3s are sold over the next few years.
The PS3 is simply too expensive, even for a beloved franchise (for some) to make it take off.
Also just as side note, I don't see Gran Turismo as a system seller, may just beme though. All the PS3 fans usually talk about is MGS and Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo may be thrown in as an afterthought.
Just to be curious I looked up the games on VGchartz, I know not everyone goes by them. Anyways according to them, GT3 sold over 14 million copies, however GT4 sold less than 9 mill, with a bigger installed base. Just does not scream system seller to me.
I think that GT is far more of a system seller than either Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid. The first two GTs sold a ton too. 9 million for GT4 is nothing to scoff at.
Oh wow! You have Heavenly Sword and Lair already? Since you apperently dont like them, can I have your copies please?[QUOTE="accameron"]Does the PS3 have some decent sounding games coming up in 2008 (since none of us have played them yet)? Sure. Although each and every one of them could still flop like Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc, even though this is not very likely. The sad truth is that no matter how many great games come out for the PS3 next year, the price is still going to keep the majority of console buyers away from the PS3. Even if the 80gig drops to $499, this is still way too high to sell many consoles, and people will go to the cheaper Wii and 360. The PS3 is simply not selling well at the current price. The price will still keep PS3 sales stale, regardless of what games are released in 2008. Price matters. Sorry. Spartan8907
And if/when the price of the 80gb drops to $499, that's the price for the PS3 AND Motorstorm. Minus Motorstorm and that's what? $449? $439? Sound better? I think so.
Are you so sure about that? No one knows for sure. And don't most gaming sites assume that IF and WHEN the 80gig price is reduced to $500-550, that Motorstorm will not be included anymore? And regardless of what happens, you will not be able to purchase a PS3 for $449 or $439 until close to 2009 at earliest.
[QUOTE="Spartan8907"]Oh wow! You have Heavenly Sword and Lair already? Since you apperently dont like them, can I have your copies please?[QUOTE="accameron"]Does the PS3 have some decent sounding games coming up in 2008 (since none of us have played them yet)? Sure. Although each and every one of them could still flop like Lair, Heavenly Sword, etc, even though this is not very likely. The sad truth is that no matter how many great games come out for the PS3 next year, the price is still going to keep the majority of console buyers away from the PS3. Even if the 80gig drops to $499, this is still way too high to sell many consoles, and people will go to the cheaper Wii and 360. The PS3 is simply not selling well at the current price. The price will still keep PS3 sales stale, regardless of what games are released in 2008. Price matters. Sorry. accameron
And if/when the price of the 80gb drops to $499, that's the price for the PS3 AND Motorstorm. Minus Motorstorm and that's what? $449? $439? Sound better? I think so.
Are you so sure about that? No one knows for sure. And don't most gaming sites assume that IF and WHEN the 80gig price is reduced to $500-550, that Motorstorm will not be included anymore? And regardless of what happens, you will not be able to purchase a PS3 for $449 or $439 until close to 2009 at earliest.
The price difference is negligible, I already posted why. You think anybody who is into gaming cares about 100 bucks? Games cost 60-70 dollars. Controllers cost 50 bucks. 100 dollars is nothing if gaming is one of your hobbies.
I don't know why price is still an issue? If you want the top of line 360 right now its 450 and change. If you want to play wirelessly, its going to cost you an extra 100 bucks. The PS3 is 500-600 dollars now. You don't have to pay for a wireless adapter or for an online service. You also don't have to buy something extra to play HD movies, unlike the xbox. The only reason the PS3 is currently behind the 360 is because of the headstart the 360 had and because it has a much better game selection at the moment. Thats it.
Eventually both systems will have enough quality games to justify their price tags and since I have both systems, I honestly don't care which system "wins". Competition simply allows for more quality games.
Price is an issue because casual gamers who JUST want to game won't pay more to play the same games. These are the same casual gamers who made PS2 a success eventhough the original Xbox had a harddrive and better hardware in general, at the same price no less. PS3 offers less games but some very well known exclusives, but they come at a price. In reality, people buy systems based on games rather than hardware, and just as PS2 had that jump last gen 360 has it this gen. Even more so in fact, they not only have the one year jump but are also cheaper by $150 bucks (for the prem anyway).
[QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"]I don't know why price is still an issue? If you want the top of line 360 right now its 450 and change. If you want to play wirelessly, its going to cost you an extra 100 bucks. The PS3 is 500-600 dollars now. You don't have to pay for a wireless adapter or for an online service. You also don't have to buy something extra to play HD movies, unlike the xbox. The only reason the PS3 is currently behind the 360 is because of the headstart the 360 had and because it has a much better game selection at the moment. Thats it.
Eventually both systems will have enough quality games to justify their price tags and since I have both systems, I honestly don't care which system "wins". Competition simply allows for more quality games.
Price is an issue because casual gamers who JUST want to game won't pay more to play the same games. These are the same casual gamers who made PS2 a success eventhough the original Xbox had a harddrive and better hardware in general, at the same price no less. PS3 offers less games but some very well known exclusives, but they come at a price. In reality, people buy systems based on games rather than hardware, and just as PS2 had that jump last gen 360 has it this gen. Even more so in fact, they not only have the one year jump but are also cheaper by $150 bucks (for the prem anyway).
The original xbox had the better ports of most games. And it had halo, the most popular multiplayer game. It was garbage in terms of exclusives though.
[QUOTE="bobaban"][QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="sonofabear17"]so your saying all the ps3 games of 2008 will flop because of price :roll: just because PS3 is expensive doesnt mean all the games suckaccameron
No, my point was that no matter how many good games that the PS3 gets in 2008, it still won't sell well because of the price.
See you're wrong. The games do matter, fact is FFXIII and MSG4 are system sellers. After these are released there will be alot more console owners.
Metal Gear Solid is NOT a system seller. The only reason that MGS2 sold so well was that it released a few months after the PS2 release, and it was one of the only big games out for it yet. It was sort of a tech demo for the PS2, since it had the best graphics at the time it released. The PS2 was competing with the inferior Dreamcast at the time, so it sold well, and MGS2 was one of the big titles (along with GT3) to sell on it. I really don't recall ground-breaking sales for MGS3, or for Subsistance on the XBOX, or for MGS Twin Snakes on the Gamecube. Do you?
Final Fantasy, I admit, will probably sell well. Still, that $500 pricetag on the PS3 is a huge hurdle to overcome, and I just don't see anthing happening with the PS3 sales numbers wise until it drops at least another $150 or so.
How can any of you argue that $500 will not prevent the majority of PS2 owners to upgrade to the PS3? $500/600 is simply ludicrous, and the PS3 will NEVER SELL WELL as long as it is anywhere near this price. And presently, only video nerds care anything about blu-ray. For most people in the world, the dust-covered PS2 sits by the standard resolution 25" tv, and it only used to play games.
Ok put it this way... Sony managed to sell 4 million something PS3 to consumer with barelly any games,now just imagine when the real games finally do come out,that's a whole lot of systems sold right there.
Oh about the whole MGS4 isn't a system seller comment ,then explain this to me...... how come mostly everyone who ownsa 360 want this game so badly?
Killzone, GT5, MGS4, LBP, Wipout (proper), Socom (proper), Infamous, Valkyrie of the Battlefield, White Knight Story, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Final Fantasy 13, Final Fantasy vs 13, Disgea 3
All exclusive. All looking very impressive
[QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="bobaban"][QUOTE="accameron"][QUOTE="sonofabear17"]so your saying all the ps3 games of 2008 will flop because of price :roll: just because PS3 is expensive doesnt mean all the games sucksakura_Ex
No, my point was that no matter how many good games that the PS3 gets in 2008, it still won't sell well because of the price.
See you're wrong. The games do matter, fact is FFXIII and MSG4 are system sellers. After these are released there will be alot more console owners.
Metal Gear Solid is NOT a system seller. The only reason that MGS2 sold so well was that it released a few months after the PS2 release, and it was one of the only big games out for it yet. It was sort of a tech demo for the PS2, since it had the best graphics at the time it released. The PS2 was competing with the inferior Dreamcast at the time, so it sold well, and MGS2 was one of the big titles (along with GT3) to sell on it. I really don't recall ground-breaking sales for MGS3, or for Subsistance on the XBOX, or for MGS Twin Snakes on the Gamecube. Do you?
Final Fantasy, I admit, will probably sell well. Still, that $500 pricetag on the PS3 is a huge hurdle to overcome, and I just don't see anthing happening with the PS3 sales numbers wise until it drops at least another $150 or so.
How can any of you argue that $500 will not prevent the majority of PS2 owners to upgrade to the PS3? $500/600 is simply ludicrous, and the PS3 will NEVER SELL WELL as long as it is anywhere near this price. And presently, only video nerds care anything about blu-ray. For most people in the world, the dust-covered PS2 sits by the standard resolution 25" tv, and it only used to play games.
Ok put it this way... Sony managed to sell 4 million something PS3 to consumer with barelly any games,now just imagine when the real games finally do come out,that's a whole lot of systems sold right there.
Oh about the whole MGS4 isn't a system seller comment ,then explain this to me...... how come mostly everyone who ownsa 360 want this game so badly?
I don't know, I have a feeling the people with money and were die hard Sony fans had a lot to do with that 4 million. Bought it just off brand name honestly. However I agree, MGS is definately a system seller. MGS is one of the greatest franchises ever, it has always since it's PS1 days(never played earlier versions), seemed to innovate both on a graphical and gameplay level. It is one of those franchises (like Super Mario Bros) that seemed to go above and beyond what other game developers were doing at the time. A truley great franchise.Please Log In to post.
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