Everybody here pretty much is certian that the PS3s games are trash and the 360 games are the best games ever. That is most defeantly not true. Though the 360 has superior titles than the PS3, the PS3's games aren't trash.
The main difference between the PS3's games and the 360's games has been that developers for the PS3 haven't focused on the most important aspect of gaming, gameplay. Look at games like Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Resistance. What do all of these games accell at? Graphics. Heavenly Sword is the best looking hack n' slash ever made. Motorstorm for the time was the best looking racing game (until Forza 2 and PGR4, it looked better than PGR3). Lair is one of the best looking action/adventure games ever (minus a choppy framerate). And at the time Resistance was one of the best looking FPSs on the market.
All of these games had great graphics that showcased the PS3. All but Liar had the gameplay to match (lets not talk about Lair in anything but graphics because it doesn't have anything else. lets face it, the game flat out sucks). The real problem with all of these games is not the fact that they lacked gameplay, instead they lacked length and value.
For example, Heavenly Sword has extremely solid gameplay. Though only being 6 hours long absolutly killed it. If the game had a length of about 15-20 hours depending on the difficulty, it would have scored an easy 9.0.
Motorstorm has fantastic gameplay. To bad the game came with so little. Only a handful of tracks and cars and very few gamemodes.
Resistance had gameplay, had graphics, but it failed in a different department. Originality. The game was pretty much like everything we had ever played before. It wasn't solid enough to give it a 9.0, but it did get a 8.6 which is still a very respectable score.
I am not going to say anything about Ratchet and Clank for the simple reason that every other review has given it much higher marks than Gamespot. Usually that means the game is pretty good. For the rest of the titles mentioned, the scores were very similar.
These games aren't trash. They are all very good games, but there is very little game to found. Heavenly Sword is short. Motorstorm has nothing to it. Resistance had more of the same. Hell even games like Warhawk lack in content but are still very solid games.
Because these games are so lacking in the value department (Resistance being the only exception), they aren't memorable. It seems that the 360 is getting all of the games that are original, or have extremely solid gameplay and lots of value. All of the PS3 games mentioned here had the potential and are all great games when you play them, though they are so short they really don't leave a lasting impression. Instead they leave you unsatified and wanting more.
Now we have Uncharted coming up. Agian this game delievers on gameplay, graphics, and story yet it doesn't have the value. Clocking in at about 12 hours and not having really unique/outstanding gameplay for replayablity is really going to hurt it.
The PS3 games aren't trash. The exclusives are infact very good yet they lack in value. That plus the fact that the PS3 lost many of its exclusives to multiplats has also really hurt the system.
The PS3 does have 3 AAA's and many many more AA games. Just right now it lacks a real killer app. R&C is its first killer app but it has been overshadowed by Halo 3 and GH3. Hopefully with the price drop we will see more PS3s being sold because of R&C.
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