@Chozofication said:
Looks kinda stupid to be honest, and not much of an RPG.
Liker the witcher 3.?
@nyadc said:
>"Best RPG yet"
>Has no idea if it's good
>Made by a developer consistent in delivering underwhelming experiences
Stop making threads.
Yeah like those 2 don't apply to several coming xbox one exclusives...QB,scalebound,Crackdown,Sea of thieves,Recore..lol
You have no idea if they are good in fact ins Recore and scaleboun not even gameplay footage exist..lol
At least this game showed gameplay and is something different in both story and what Gerilla games is use to make.
@cinematicgalore said:
Killzone 3 and Killzone: Shadow Fall were fucking awful, what makes anyone think this will be good? I predict a huge flop.
NO just shadow fall,Killzone 3 was good and Killzone 2 was great.
@deadline-zero0 said:
While i like Horion for the new setting and the gameplay looks great, let's not kid ourselves. It's Guerrila fucking Games. It's obviously going to look great in a scripted E3 demo. Even Shadow Fail did. Apparently it was "more open" then before.
I really, really, hope Horizon turns out awesome, just because fucking robot dinos. But it's still GG:
- They never made memorable characters in Killzone
- They never told great stories in Killzone
- They never constructed variated and interesting levels in Killzone
(most of the time)
- They did, however, manage to give the series great graphics, sound design and an really cool premise/setting.
Sound familiar?
The game has potential, oh it sure does. But so did Clowzone. Let's just hope they hit the points above this time.
You sony haters are a total joke.
Lets start from 1 just because some Killzone games were bad doesn't mean all guerrila fu**ing games will be bad,by that logic Destiny should have got 90+ since Bungi basically develop all great Halo games,one series has nothing to do with another.
It is an open world game you fool it isn't scripted like Killzone is,like the Witcher this is a game with lots of depth,juts because they decide to show 1 fu**ing fight doesn't mean is scripted some of you are bitter losers who can't admit that sony got something good and unlike the Witcher 3 this will not be on your PC or you precious xbox one either.
As scripted as this and just like CD Proteck decided to show a scripted griffon fight which you will encounter at certain point (scripted) the same happen with horizon,drop your whole crap and selective downplay dude you look bitter.
-Horizon is not Killzone.
-Horizon is not killzone.
-Horizon is not Killzone.
-Great sine Horizon has those to.
Yes because Destiny and Halo are the same quality right.? How can that be Bungie has the pedigree Destiny is suppose to be great you know just fallowing your line here..
@deadline-zero0 said:
@jg4xchamp said:
do you people know what a rpg is?
I don't think Guerrila does honestly. Apparently upgrade system and levels = RPG
See? Batman's half an rpg already
Again the witcher 3 hypocrite and lets not forget that RPG as the witcher 3 are barely RPG and not even close to how traditional RPG were and still are.
With a few touches Red dead Redemption could be as much RPG as the witcher is,there is hunting,scavenging,free will open world animals,exploration and vast open land,hell the same could be say about GTA to.
True is The Witcher and some other western style RPG are more like sandboxes than true RPG's.
@cainetao11 said:
LMAO I am looking forward to this game no doubt, but spare me the love affair. Its an RPG with things obviously inspired from Enslaved. GTFO with it being better than the Witcher 3.
WTF...hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lemming are so bitter about this game.
This game is fu**ing nothing like Enslave blind lemming,on Enslave those humans were SLAVED on a post apocalyptic world in fact the game start on a Air ship,is not an open world game and is more like a post apocalyptic platformer not even close to be an RPG basically you were taken by hand just like on a platformer jump here,climb there is not even close to what Guerrila showed.
The only thing close they have is been based on a world were civilization has collapse other that that they have nothing more in common,is like saying that GTA is like Forza because it has cars that stupid your notion is.
I see Horizon bring out the little green monster...ahahaha
I don't know good of bad it will be i only know you look like a damn buffoon trying to downplay it using Ensalved a game which is not Horizon and which is not even make by the same developers,that desperation...
@xantufrog said:
You know what's funny - so many people have been excited about this game since it was announced. But someone posts some absurd hyperbole about how the game (which they've never played) is the greatest RPG ever (it is supposedly an open-world action RPG, btw, so I'm not sure why people are so certain that RPG's a bad genre label for the OP to use) and now everyone hates it and it looks stupid and blah blah.
It's like - any game is potentially interesting until a) it's an exclusive on someone else's platform, b) someone talks about it like it's the second coming, or c) both, and then everyone's gotta beat it down like a rabbid dog :-P
@2mrw - how can you say it's so fantastic when we know next to nothing about it? Why does it appearing to be an ARPG with emphasis on the A make it better than "traditional" RPGs (many of the ones you listed are also ARPGs, though, BTW)
I agree with you and nothing confirm it will be great,now if you find a place in your post to also reflect the even sadder argument downplaying the game would be great,there are so many you can quote downplaying the game so why quote the ones just saying it is great.
You think this is absurd Hyperbole.?
What about Scalebound which lemming tag as AAA,what about Recore which lemmings tag as AAA,when no single video exist of gameplayjust a CG which i most say is quite generic in both cases,and both show some similarities as well in that regard.
Boy and a dragon in Scalebound
Girls and a Robot in Recore.
Non show gameplay.
Both show over confident characters in the same like of i kick ass over exploited way(Horizon character show some of this to) But there is a difference gameplay exist for Horizon while the other 2 doesn't so how can any one be exited for something which they only have see on a CG.?
I say that is much worse that Horizon which you can see gameplay and determine if at least look interesting or not,which most people find interesting as E3 proved.
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