Lifelong PC gamer here, I just want to give my opinion which you don't care about and did not ask for:
y'all subscribe to some bullshit. You care more about some fixed number and mistake it as a sign of quality. When you get nervous, you move the number, saying "Oh but this game does this better..." or "next revision will have more googlyflops...".
Why don't you care about the games? 1080p...4K...30fps...60fps...doesn't really matter much when console markets get the same crap over and over again. Meanwhile, PC is a relatively open platform, and there is a huge diversity of games.
Stop making 4K and framerate a selling point. Stop making it the thing that drives the market. Demand better service, better games, more diverse games, independent development, etc.
I really want consoles to do well--the better your games are, the better it is for everyone--but right now you are being led astray and it is ruining gaming.
Honestly, visuals were never a selling point of PC gaming IMO. It's always been these games that look shitty but actually have a quite a bit of charm underneath the lack of polish. With the overhead of console licensing, these games and genres rarely, if ever see console releases. It's the difference in culture between PC gamers cultivating good experiences and console gamers being herded towards the next AAA cash grab.
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