How many of you think it would have been a good idea for MS to have released an SKU like the Elite right from launch? How about that 12 mo warrenty that they recently amended which was previously 3 mo?
Now imagin if PS3 had never been released?
For all you xbox fans who bash the PS3 and wish it off the market, do you remember these comments, "There will never be a game that will be played at 1080p this generation." Yeah...Bill Gates said that. And guess what? He ate those words. Simular comments were made about Blu-ray and since then they've released an HD-DVD add on but lacks the ablity to play games. Home will probably force MS to upgrade XBL to have better services or make if free.
My point?
If PS3 wasn't around, MS wouldn't even be trying. If you have any sence of excitement for the next high tech advancement in technololgy and gaming then betting / plotting / hopeing / aiding to spread propaganda to try and advance the demise of the PS3 is the worse thing you could possibly do.
Even if you are a die hard 360 fan, wishing that the PS3was off the market is one of the most ignorant things you could wish for. It's pretty much the only reason why the360 is a good as it is right now. Thanks to what they learned from PS2 the realize they need japanese content to have a fully appealing system. What they are learning from PS3 now is that they need better features and hardware.If you wish for the PS3 and Sony to be absnet from the gaming market and you are an xbox360 are also wishing for the limitation of advancements intechnology and services for games now...and in the future.
if you don't think the orignal xbox360 needed/needs any improvement at all, or don't care about advances in gaming technology or services to the consumer...ignore my post.
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