I find it funny how so many are loyal to a company who produces a great platform but a mediocre machine, yet complain about a well made machine (for the moment) made by a company that has proven itself for over a decade by making some unforgettable (as well as some that shall remain nameless) games. They'll complain that the 360 is the greatest and will forgive the RRD, but are all over Sony because they removed the rumble feature. They complain about the many sku # the PS3 has, but forget that MS is guilty of the same. So far Nintendo has remained consistent.
I love how just a few months ago the PSP was dead and the DS was king. Fast-foward to a redesign and new bundles and PSP has a heartbeat once again, go figure. Personally, I'd like to give a heart laugh to all those fickle, impatient people who must have traded and re-bought the same system countless of times. It must be nice to be rich ; )
My point is this, You will obviously have the knuckle-heads out there who will spew out my brand is better than your brand garbage. I say let them, they only want to get a rise. Most are annoying little trolls that would never have the guts to say what they type in the real world. My post goes out to those of us (yes, me included) who allow it to get under our skin an feel the need to reply angrily. I say this as a 40 year old dad who has been through the mac vs pc, sega vs nintendo vs ps, ms vs ps wars and honestly, it's quite silly. To some it may be fun (even funny) but what happens is that after a while it ultimately brakes down into an insult contest. People get personal on something that is supposed to be fun. By the way, this also happens on car and gun forums just the same. So this is not an age issue.
Anyway, have fun. Also, for those who can only have one system, enjoy what you have to the fullest. Believe it or not, there are those who don't even have a clue what a PS3/Xbox360/Wii is. They are just wondering where their next meal is coming from.
Enjoy being fortunate,
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