So, here we are at what perhaps may be considered the midpoint in the current generation of console wars. This has been one like no other; a former king has been humbled by a rivaling country's unrelenting onslaught. A besmeared underdog has rallied to the top. Games became the premiere revenue driving form of entertainment. New lines have been drawn and boundaries stretched in our industry. Whatever your take on the State of the Games, we can probabally agree that things certainly aren`t what they were going into the winter months of 2005.
First of all, I am an older guy. And like most older guys, I have a life I like to try to maintain. I am a guy who has a dirty little secret--a feverishly nerdy passion for one of his childhood activities. Like many of you, I often try to keep this simple truth locked away in a dark place so as to avoid being misunderstood. It`s easier this way. After all, if you have never been to Minus World, never heard of Blast Processing, or don`t know how Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right BAA can drastically improve your life, than it`s hard to understand people like us.
Right now, I am nestled up among the faint glow of a laptop in my girlfriend`s apartment in Kyoto, Japan. To buck some imagery you might have conjured up about me, I am no anime junkie. nor am I what you might consider to be a typical gaming enthusiast, in the sense that I came to Japan to study the language as a means to advance my career, and that I am an avid weightlifter: that is to say, I know when to put the controller down. Previously, I also worked for one of America`s largest computer manufacturers as an account manager. I am a normal guy who shares something in common with each one of you. Perhaps it`s pathetic that a man of my age sits in a dark room, in the small hours of the morning, writing to you about video games. But, I view it as a chance for all of us to talk about something we have in common. And when you consider the power of that---people from countries all over the world from various walks of life can come actually do something like this---well, it`s pretty cool. SanFransisco has a Treat. The TootsiePop a sweet, gummy center. And lovers will always have Paris. So indulge an old man as he opines on where we are and what we can expect in the future of our industry.
Like it or Not, the Wii is Here to Stay
Let me begin by saying that the only current gen console I own is the Xbox 360. To me (not to be confused with "you should believe the way I do"), it represents the best value proposition. Considering the number of games and consoles I have purchased during my time on this rock, some might classify me as "hardcore". As such, I just don`t have it in my DNA to appreciate the Wii. I appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit behind the Wii, I am just not a believer in the end result Nintendo cooked up for all of us. Many of you may not like this next comment, but maybe it bears mentioning that reviewer scores seem to indicate that Nintendo has not really set gameplay on its ear the way we were hoping. I think if one is fair, he can compare games across platforms and see where the bulk of the fluff and, conversely, where the crème-de-la-crème resides. I will let you conduct that research and find the results for yourself.
All that happy business aside, I view the Wii as our version of Wal-Mart, or perhaps the Accord. Maybe it isn`t the biggest, baddest thing on the road, but it has enough curb appeal, and more importantly price, to welcome forth the masses. The long and short of this tale is: Papa N knows best and you can bet the whipper-snappers are paying attention.
So How Might This Shape the Consoles of Tomorrow?
I think what we will see next generation is far more interesting than what we might see this generation. In some sort of good that I can`t really fathom at the moment, the Wii will send the big guns at Sony and MS back to the drawing boards on how to capture this new, HUGE casual market that is emerging thanks to the Wii. I think the big guns know that the man who can somehow couple some beastly hardware muscle in with, for lack of a better word, a gimmick to catch the moms, dads, aunts, and uncles will be the guy who walks away with the prize next time.
So Rest Easy-Thee Fearful of Diminishing Emphasis on Technology
Guys like me (and some of you) who just aren`t about to buy a Wii anytime soon, can sleep easy tonight. We still account for the lion`s share of the market at the moment. Plus, we have the developers on our side. Of course, all companies bleed green, and they will go where they smell a dollar hiding, but many developers are from our ranks--they are passionate about creativity and advancing the fidelity of our gaming experience. Why? Because they are gamers themselves.
The Live Factor-Disruptive Technology
Ironically, the only company to go into the current generation with next to no online presence was the last generation's unrivaled victor. Make no mistake this is where five years of planning and development on Microsoft's part sucker punched Sony into number three. Sony chose to ignore disruptive technologies that would later hamper its ability to become the one stop shop media device of tomorrow. MS smartly created another profit center in its software, delivering high quality entertainment exclusively through software and the internet. Sony kept its eyes on the prize---sales of hard, tangible BluRay discs instead of realizing that downloadable HD content was creeping up from behind. Consider the entire 360 value proposition, and what you have are fantastic games at retail, but perhaps an even more impressive, and comprehensive, selection of software and entertainment over the internet. This is the thorn in Sony`s side, and they have been frantically playing catch-up to make up the difference. It`s too late this go-around. But I do look forward to seeing the next iteration from Sony.
A Mistake of Executive Proportions
This last bit will be brief. The executives at Sony need to make amends for the rash of lies and half-truths they plastered consumers with in the years leading up to the PS3 launch. To this day, I (and I suspect others) hold a fair degree of resentment for being treated as a second class citizen and sold a bundle of nonsense. Out with it folks. Your consumers are smart. They feel violated and unappreciated. Let`s see some accountability at your next presentation. Just say, "we screwed up", pay respect to your fans, and let`s get back to business as usual.
Thanks for listening guys (and gals for those 50 percent of DS owners in the room). Just a long winded take on where we are and where we may be going. Thoughts are always welcome.
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