Most companies don't release PC games anymore, or they release console-to-PC ports. They claim this is because of piracy, but I believe that may not be entirely true. Perhaps it's because the companies know that they can't get away with the **** that is in modern console games with PC gamers. Most PC gamers are in their late teens and 20s (sometimes even 30s), so they remember the golden age of PC gaming (90s). Look at how poorly received current generation PC games have been received. Sure, a couple games have been well received, such as Minecraft and StarCraft II. But even StarCraft II was heavily criticized for it's dumbed down multiplayer, lack of chat rooms, Nazi-esque map marketplace, micro-transactions, region-locking, 2.0, and lack of LAN support. Console games (primarily) don't use dedicated servers or modding, whereas PC games do allow that. But with all of these console-to-PC ports, we get games that suck to begin with on PC without the features that PC games used to have in the 90s and early 00s. In other words, PC gamers realize that MW2 for PC (and MW2 in general) is garbage, so they don't buy it.
Plus a lot of games are created for the lowest-common-denominator now, as in that they release games so that people who aren't fans of the genre/franchise enjoy the game more so than people who are actually fans of the genre, and thus the genre becomes more of an shooter game, and less of what the genre is supposed to be (i.e. tactical shooters, survival horror, stealth, dungeon crawlers). PC gamers are typically more mature than your 12 year old prepubescent boy on Xbox Live, and thus they are smarter and teenagers/adults, not 12 year old kids who don't know any better and think that MW2 is the greatest game ever (and of course, they are entitled to their own opinion). Whereas PC gamers see that gaming has gotten worse over the course of the last decade, instead of getting better. Now games are made almost entirely for graphics whores, instead of people who enjoy the story, characters, gameplay, atmosphere, lore, and people who actually use their brain (not big arrows pointing to where you're supposed to go or do). They often call these games which are anti-niche and released for the lowest-common-denominator "streamlining", because apparently streamlining means that you have to turn everything into a shooter game for 12-year-olds instead of the niche genre it's supposed to be. What are your thoughts on this theory?
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