- Sony will rule the world because they have sony in their name
- I have spoken to Sony and have said that in a years time PS3 prices will drop to $100 YES FOLKS $100
- Zelda is rubbish who ever whats to play as a small green guy called Zelda, thats why Zedla is rubbish, I dont even want to play it.
- The PS3 will been able to pick up TV signals and holographic images which are used with wireless connectors to be able to watch 3d tv, this stuff is all hidden inside the PS3 of course coz Sony dont want it getting out, yep spoke to Sony about that!
- The PS3 will win this console wars coz of the way people can see it coz it is big, unlike the rubbish wii which is too small and so coz of this more people will want to buy a PS3....
Anyway rant over, please feel free to add any more great "facts" about Sony or the PS3. In PS3_FTW manner of course
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