This is ridiculous. I remember the 90's and using 6 AA Batteries to charge up my Sega Game Gear. Man was it a hassle. Putting them in the thing, getting them in the right position ones gotta be upside down the other's straight up and hoping they all still had power and snapped in correctly.
Checking to see which battery was dead with finger checker to see how much power was left in each battery. Holy shit I can't believe this stuff is still around in 2020 I don't fking believe it. Nothing uses AA batteries anymore except the X-Series controller.
My Flashlight is all rechargeable now with my phone I don't understand why this is still a thing in controllers. I hate having to make a ton of room for AA batteries in a shelf and then you forget which ones are still brand new or are dead or almost dead its a mess in there.
You got buy them at the store or setup recharge station for the AA batteries im not doing this anymore. I always forget to buy new AA batteries too and then they run out all the time and then im screwed.
I have to get in my car drive to a store pick them up this takes forever its easier to just charge up the controller and play with it corded for a bit. Jesus. Tons of big youtubers are saying they hate AA batteries too are all buying the play and charge kit and criticizing microsoft for this, and I agree with them. AA batteries are insulting you take them out you throw them away and you get play and charge kit.
AA batteries are not cheap either they will add up over time its like 5 bux for an 8 pack your paying a huge tax here everytime you go out to buy new ones to keep playing.
The Elite 2 creator said an internal battery helped him improve the controller and take it to the next level why the hell isn't regular one taking it to the next level yet?
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