I think overall the place voted and predicted most to be next was France. That was not only because France is simply a beautiful and neat place to scale buildings in but also because the French setting was suggested by the Brotherhood game (i wont get specific so as to avoid spoilers). The hope for the French setting was very high though, andother oftenvoted places had to be American Revolution, feudal japan, London, and Greece.
I think though Constantinople simply fits Assassins Creed better. Assassins Creed is about corruption, and though a post WWII French setting could have that perhaps, thats not the corruption AC focuses on. It focuses on corruption in the Catholic Church, considering Templars are Catholic Church soldiers in history, also considering AC1 was about the crusades and AC2 and Brotherhood were about corruption in the Vatican. Constantinople became the headquarters for the Western Church. For a moment in history, Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire,was the new Rome, andit ended up clashing with the Vaticanin many accounts. It makes a million times more sense for a Consantinople setting to succeed a Roman Setting than anything else people wanted Ubisoft to do. Plus the architecture there is stunning.
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