Story>Da Vinci Code. To be fair, that's not entirely difficult... XD
As an experience, I greatly enjoyed AC2, but to tell you the truth, I'm not ecstatic over continuing the overall plot.
I liked AC2 in terms of gameplay, soundtrack and characterization and I find the overall take on religion to be refreshing in a game. I'm just really not that interested in finding out more about our alien ancestors, or stopping the world from being destroyd because of a case of magnetic reversal or weakness. These plot points are just too common nowadays, and the whole apple of eden thing doesn't interest me much either, even though it has its link with the game's religious undertones.
I do like the game's use of historical setting within Sci-fi, and quite frankly I'd rather they do a setting that hasn't been done to death already, or of nations that haven't been done to death already too when it comes to historical significance.
I find it boring that people repeat so many stories in this day and age on so many mediums, I mean seriously, do we really need another movie about Robin Hood? Or another adaptation of a book by Alaxandre Dumas? So do I want to see a game placed in France? No. Spain? No. England? No. Ancient Greece? No. Japan? No. North America that is not ancient? No. China? No.
I mean seriously, nations that have a lot of interesting things to use on, but we keep using the same exact stuff, not only that, but people act as if world history finds its relevance only on examples such as those in the above. There are so many interesting stuff they can take out of world history, from other countries of Europe, to ancient civilizations in the Americas, to very insteresting historical accounts in many nations of the east and Africa. Just try to use a setting that I won't recognise in less than 5 minutes, or even better, that I might actually get to learn something from.
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