Since gaming began, franchises have come and gone. some keep coming strong, some vanish into obscurity, and some dwindle in quality while the games keep coming. it is the last 2 categories i will deal with.
as we all know, the banjo series is being revived by Rare on the 360. this was a franchise that i had always assumed was doomed to obscurity but this holiday season it seems like it is getting a shot of adrenaline.
the same goes for sonic. since the 16 bit era, sonic games have plummetted in quality. however, the recently revealed sonic unleashed looks to take the series back to the 2(.5)D roots and give it another shot of adrenaline.
while 2 great franchises are being revived, there are many others that bring out new games every year or so that simply stink and should never have been made. (looking at you COD3, THPS, MoH, NFS) these games need a quick and simple gaming abortion.
so, in an effort to promote unbiased debate, i wage the question:
What old/dwindling frachise is in need of a shot of adrenaline to get back on track?
What current franchise is in need of an abortion to remove its trash from our systems every year?
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