I do have Dragon Age: Origins, but I haven't even beaten it yet.
Playing DA2, the game seems totally different. It seems more like DMC or GoW or something. Your guy is freaking flying around doing crazy stunts, and although it's kinda fun, I feel like if I played the game for more then 10 hours, I would get bored of pressing A, or X.
But then again, you get all these skills so it wouldn't be that boring. And since I haven't gotten bored of DA:O's battle system yet, I'm sure I wouldn't get bored of this but still.
Why did they change it so that you have to press A to attack, instead of it going by itself?
And the demo, are you even supposed to beat the Troll? My partners died almost instantly, then I'm just left alone to fight this fat thing, and it's minions by myself. With only 1 skill. Wow, I just gave up after I died. Did I miss much or was that the end of the demo?
What do you guys think of DA2, step up or down from DA:O, will you be getting it? I'll probably get it once it's cheaper, or if it has an Ultimate Edition like DA:O.
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