Microsoft- For many of the past E3's microsoft has had a halo game to really make the show. This year that was not the case. This year Microsoft a company that at first was pretty humble about thier success with the 360 has turned into a bunch of childish rich guys who show that money can get them whatever they want. I enjoyed the microsoft conference with games like gears 2 and fable 2 on the horizon. I must say i am most dissapointed with the new xbox update. It shows absolutley no innovation at all. I cant really blame Sqenix for makine FFXIII multiplatform. And rockstar making exclusive content for 360. Microsoft has the money and the rescources to make this happen. Microsoft only has 1 console on the market in which to concentrate thier resources on. Nintendo has 2. Sony has 3. So Microsoft will obviously have more content, more 3rd party support and more software. Microsoft's little chart where they showed console sales seemed to not agree with nintendo's. I think nintendo's chart was more accurate. You cant possibly expect us to believe that 360 is outselling ps3 and wii combined. The wii alone is outselling the 360. All in all i enjoyed the confrence. Squenix didnt betray sony. It'd be betrayal if they announced that it was no longer going to be on ps3. FF versus 13 is still a ps3 exclusive in all regions. FF13 is still exclusive in japan. Japan has already made it known that JRPGs on 360 arent going to change thier minds. Blue dragon + Lost oddessy= no change.
Nintendo- This will be short. The confrence was pretty boring. Why? Nintendo doesnt need a great confrence and price drops to make people change thier mind about the wii. The wii is dominating, hands down. The DS and Wii are just an ustoppable force that sony nor microsoft can compete with. Im no fanboy, i dont want the wii, but its clear as day that nintendo is not a force to be reckoned with. They know what thier doing. Theyve been doing it for 25+ years. A pokemon MMO for the wii would just be insane. Animal crossing is going to be great. Good Job nintendo.
Sony- Going into the confrence i thought that sony would have something up its sleeve to combat the FFXIII announcment., but i was dissapointed because there was none. Just more killzone 2, more resistence 2, GOWIII( cool) and more a bunch of psn downloads. I mean MAG is cool, but its just another shooting game with more players jammed into a room. All im seeing from sony is a bunch of 1st party SCEA games. Its as if sony of japan and sony of america are at war with eachother. There are aloott of cool and interesting games over there.....that arent over here. I missed the ps2 games of having a bunch of japanese made ps2 titles. I guess those days are over. After watching most of the confrence it dawned on me. Sony has to move money around for 3 platforms. PS2,PS3,PSP. Which is probably why games take so long to come out. Or why PSN is so lacking. The PSP is the second best selling gaming platform wordwide only behind the DS.The ps3 has gained the overall sales lead in europe over the 360. The ps2 is still selling well suprisingly( who doesnt have one of these,lol) The ps3 is seeing growing sales, which is good. I dont think people should judge Sony's performance only on the ps3 alone. Theyre trying i guess. The ps2 got huge support when it was SCEA's only concern. Anyways i enjoyed Little bug planet showing, and Home looks great. The introduction of the video service for the psn shows that sony is trying i guess.
All in all this years e3 is pretty lame. I hope MS, nintendo and Sony the best of Luck with thier consoles. These coming monthes seem to be great for us Gamers. Nothing innovative, nothing fresh, but all cool.
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