The shallow mangrove terrain completely changes the game. While not in most maps, some maps have this terrain. Although I think they are fun maps, they don;t realistically capture the combat of the region as I hoped and thats due to the rock, paper, scissors relationships between army and navy units.
Both army and navy units can coexist on these tiles as well, you can build on them. Its weird. So you will have many land to sea unit battles. Melee units will tear ships up, but demolition rafts will kill land units enmasse. And trebs and bombard cannons are rendered useless because of cannon galleons are much faster on these maps.
The new civilizations are fun. Battle Elephants are no where near as powerful as the vanilla games Persian elephants but they are effective nonetheless. However, none of the new civilizations have good horse calvary. Malay is probably the best naval civilzation in the game, and have docks that shoot arrows.
Overall, its not as vital as The Forgotten, but a great expansion nonetheless. Of all the expansions, its Conquerors that is the worst.
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