Age: 23
Sex: desperate hot chick
This gen has been the one where I've been behind the most when it comes to video games(especially consoles). But then again, it hasn't really called out to me that much.
Anyway, my favorites probably boils down to 3, because even though I've played my share of games on every platform, I still found them difficult to place.
1.Stalker SoC(pc)
2.Orange Box(pc)
3.Mirror's Edge(pc)
Those are the 3 that comes to mind without much struggle. All played on pc... so... let's spice things a little bit.
Some exclusives on other platforms I enjoyed playing:
. Ninja Gaiden 2(played the original on Xbox recently and I didn't see much to be dissapointed about when it comes to the second, it was pretty decent. Though that might be because I didn't finish the Black version?).
. Dead Rising
. Gears of War 2(I enjoyed the first one more when it came to single player and I didn't bother to play this one online)
. Actually enjoyed Bullet Witch when it came out.
PS3: Still want to play a lot of titles it has to offer.
. Metal Gear Solid 4(though was dissapointed)
. Uncharted(still to play Uncharted 2)
. Heavenly Sword
. Enjoyed my playtime of Folklore(add Valkyria to the list of exclusive RPG's that I'm interested in the console, plus Demon's souls)
among a few others
. Metroid Prime
. Galaxy
. No More Heroes
. Zack and Wiki
Best console this gen? A year ago might have said 360(and I probably did here), but I'm not so sure of that anymore. Best platform though, I would probably say the PC, though lately it has definitely had the weakest lineup imo. Let's hope next year it picks up, but as of now I'm seeing very little that doesn't have the name Blizzard on it(to some that might be enough... but not to me).
What I think of this gen? Not bad, but nothing spectacular either so far. It still has quite a few titles down the road that I'm excited about, but as of now it has been a bit of a dissapointment. Hasn't offered much gems outside of the mainstream audience, and the sequels and spiritual successors that attract said audience have mostly been dissapointments in relation to earlier titles for me.
Ohh yeah forgot about handhelds(which I think have been quite decent this gen) but I'm not in the mood to put that(lazy).
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