[QUOTE="dhjohns"][QUOTE="The_Crucible"][QUOTE="dhjohns"] You are so funny!! :lol: Lets say all multiplats are equal from now on out. PS3 costs two hundred dollars more, so which one should I get?
Whats funny is when gamers like you use argumewnts that have a short life span. You, as well as everyone else in here, know that the 40GB, $399 PS3 is coming soon. Where's your argument then? What a joke.
No the joke is on you, because the 360 will get a price drop then too. All of you cows (just like lemmings) use the same ol tired arguments. Now your new rallying cry is the $400 SKU. :lol: Whatever floats your boat. My only comment to you is that multiplats being equal is not something to brag about. It should be expected, but then again, this just shows how low your expectations are for the PS3.
First off, dropping the price on an already known problematic console is not sound marketing. Until they have a long-time test of the falcon's reliability, people are going to be cautious, no matter the price.
Second, the rallying cry has been for a $399 PS3 alll year. Mostly because thats the price point most gamers said they wanted their system in. And guess what? Its coming. Wow, how lame are PS3 owners to keep talking about something that happens? Not very.
Third, it took not even one year for the PS3 to catch up with the 360 thats been out for two. Sounds like a great feat to me. As I said in my topic, just think of what will be in one year. Oh, you'lll deny it. Just like you denied PS3 would even match the 360.
The sales are equal? :lol: You are more delusional than I thought. Oh and you think if the 360 drops the price, there is a problem, but if Sony does it, it is sound marketing? :lol: Double standards FTL!
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