@shadowsentiel: In my opinion motion capture might even go first. AI is self learning and in just 2 or 3 years the technology has increased several times over (it still struggles a bit with fingers and things like that, but in just over a year we went from seeing Will Smith eating spaghetti and looking as though he was eating his hand, to having videos and pictures win film and photography contests..).
Free apps these days are absolutely mind blowing where as they were barely drawing stick figures or putting a coherent sentence together not long ago. Now we have apps producing fully voiced songs of any genre, writing books, checking taxes, programming playable games from voice command, search engines are nearly entirerely AI now, almost every new major app uses AI, and the ones with the most to lose are asking for legislation for the love of god.. lol.
This is a LOT closer than most people think.
The thing is, as AI increases it will only ever get faster (yes it will increase at a faster pace each and every week) and right now we are at a point that is already borderline concerning. I would not be the least bit surprised if this happens even faster than I thought at this point (which was originally about 25 to 50 years). Human labor is becoming less and less important and industries all over the world are "restructuring" amid record profits.
It's funny no one seems to understand the reasons CEOs paychecks keep going up and employees keep getting fired is BECAUSE of AI taking jobs and then doing that job for a minimum upkeep which in turn makes the big dogs more money.
The song In the year 2525 comes to mind, here we are in 2024 and some of the richest people in the world went from thinking this was a fun novelty to being frightened, and the general public went from being skeptics to discussing the ramifications (which is quite unbelievable in the cess pools of lower intelligence that is the majority of the internet)... in some cases even completely shutting down projects into the billions. It won't be long until AI is implemented in everything we see, do, hear, and process in majority.
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