A console is a console and a pc is , well, a pc. They should not be allowed on the same topic. Day after day its locked thread and every thread is about the same things...
I just got done reading up on a locked thread...It was something about..."why own a 360 if you have a pc/PS3?"...Its just another long drawn out thread about the same things that get posted every single day and then locked. So why keep posting the same threads day after day if they end up locked? Sure its system wars, but from what I can gather you cant debate or "argue" for long because the thread gets locked.
I read a post in that thread that really opened my mind a little...Im on the side of.."console gaming is better because of ease of use." I dont care what side you are on, you cant argue that one. Unless you want to be a blind fanboy.
They were trying to come up with a pc that was like 300$ or so that could BLOW the 360 away. Someone that was HYPING the pc said somethings and also commented on "and if you want more you can overclock your processor" Same goes with overclocking your graphics card and your memory. Thats fine and dandy if you can do that and if you want to do that.
BUT how many people know how to do that? Honestly....And what person wants to go through all that just to play a game??? I simply dont see where pcgamers get this rationality from?
I really wish I had the money to buy a whole box of parts to build a pc. I would then get my mom, my 2 boys, my wife, my 3 sisters, my brother, a friend of mine and sit them down in the floor with all of it. I would then say...PUT THIS TOGETHER. Install the OS. Install all the drivers for everything. GEt updates. Then continue to set up the OS how you want "customize" if you will. Put your games in and set them up correctly..Turning on and off the settings you want or dont want. When it locks up...fix what went wrong. When it "blue screens of death"...fix it..When you need to configure AND set up a controller "if wanted"..do that.
I would bet my life and everyone in my family that not a single person in that group could do what I mentioned. I dont even have to argue about it one bit. I know for a fact.
So having said this and knowing 100% its the truth there is NO denying that CONSOLES are easier and give people what they want...An easy to use gaming machine. PCs are fine. They game fine. They are a fantastic thing. I live on my PC..I love my pc. BUT I cant justify messing with it for gaming when I have 16 consoles with over 1400 games sitting in my posession that are plug and play..
IF a someone wants to go through all the time,money and hassle to game on a pc, thats fine. Nothing wrong with it at all. More power to you. But to say that anyone can build a pc and set everything up is fooling themselves...and calling anyone who doesnt names is childish and horrible to do..
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