1024x768 (can run it at 1280x768 but fraps was eating up too much FPS)
high shaders, with cvars edited for colorgrading and sunrays. high objects, medium textures, shadows, post proc, water, particles and effects. (with some edited cvars) FPS ranges from 25 to 30 (18-25 with fraps running). And most importantlythe highest phyiscs settings availible.
It looks amazing. It plays amazing. The physics are unparrelled. Theres so many ways to play this game it isnt even funny.
This is on a Core 2 Duo e6300 @ 2.8ghz, 2gb DDR2 800mhz ram, x1950pro.
And what EntwineX said about the FPS is correct. 25FPS in crysis seems as smooth as 50fps in GRAW. Its because there are no spikes. Spikes are what make even very good average FPS seem terrible. GRAW jumps from 25 to 60 and back again all the time. Crysis never varies more than 3-5 from the average. The lack of fps spikes is what allows movies to get away with 29fps or even 24fps. Also motion blur helps alot too.
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