It seems like nowadays all i hear gamers complain about is games not being long enough yada yada. Me personally, believe it or not If a game is single player only and is over 15 hours long, i wont buy it because i know i will just get bored with it after 10 hours or so. The only EXCEPTION to that rule is the MGS franchise and thats simply because it has such an engaging story and great gameplay i can stand playing the whole way through like snake eater was 15 or so hours long. But games like God of war 2, it was a great game but it was just too long and it seemed to go on forever and ever
If a game is too long, it starts to feel like a chore after a certain amount of time and i find myself rushing through it just to "get it over with" People are complaining about games like Halo 3, COD4, Heavenly sword and uncharted being short?! If you ask me they are the perfect length, no need for a game to take forever to beat. in my opinion, a game needs to be short, sweet and to the point not long and drawn out
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