I'm a ps3 only owner at the moment and all my friends and family own a 360. Everybody wants to play NBA 2k10 and MW2, sure I have the games but on the wrong damn console. I have friends and family clicking up on MW2 on the 360 and hear I am playing with some German dudes that I can't understand wtf they're talking about. I guess you can say this is just a xbl>>>>>>>>>psn thread, but this is just ridiculous. I can't find one friend on psn because everybody is either of different nationality(can't understand their language) or don't have a mic. The funny thing is all my friends are cheap bastards, so why are they contempt with paying for p2p? Then again I'm sure they're abusing those 5 accounts and 5 free months of xbl. :P I haven't played MW2, Uncharted 2, 2K10, or Killzone 2 in weeks because there's no online replayability on psn. No friends, no mics, hell half of the time I can't even find players. PS3 games are only good for single player or something?
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