Best Graphics on a console, and this is the 360 version. I would highly suggest watching the Videos in HD.
Part I
Part II
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Honestly, Crysis 2 looks meh. It looks like it might be fun for a little while, but the whole thing just screams meh.
Honestly, Crysis 2 looks meh. It looks like it might be fun for a little while, but the whole thing just screams meh.
So what doesn't look meh? What FPS game this E3 has blown your mind more?
None of them really. :(
Rage looks cool, but I' more interested in its graphics than its gameplay.
None of them really. :(
Rage looks cool, but I' more interested in its graphics than its gameplay.
What about Bulletstorm?
IMO it looks horrible. A game that wishes it were Duke Nukem, but then tries to fuse that with Gears and COD and gets nasty looking results.
What about Bulletstorm?
IMO it looks horrible. A game that wishes it were Duke Nukem, but then tries to fuse that with Gears and COD and gets nasty looking results.
So what FPS do you like?
Plenty. I even liked Crysis 1, although a lot of the game's setting and plot was meh to me, but the gameplay was huge and open, like Halo on steroids. So I liked it. But Crysis 2 looks so confined so all you're left with is the mehness.
Plenty. I even liked Crysis 1, although a lot of the game's setting and plot was meh to me, but the gameplay was huge and open, like Halo on steroids. So I liked it. But Crysis 2 looks so confined so all you're left with is the mehness.
The part shown outside the train station looked pretty open to me, and that may be leading on from another part, and maybe going into the station is the same level. If its all one level thats pretty big, maybe abit more linear but thats not a bad thing as good story telling requires more focus.The Crysis style gameplay was there imo, it did seem more like Warhead than the original Crysis but thats not a bad thing even though i prefer Crysis over Warhead. No other FPS ive seen so far from E3 plays like this.
Plenty. I even liked Crysis 1, although a lot of the game's setting and plot was meh to me, but the gameplay was huge and open, like Halo on steroids. So I liked it. But Crysis 2 looks so confined so all you're left with is the mehness.
The part shown outside the train station looked pretty open to me, and that may be leading on from another part, and maybe going into the station is the same level. If its all one levelthats pretty big, maybe more linear but thats not a badthing asgood story tellingrequires more focus.The Crysis style gameplay was there imo, it did seem more like Warhead than the original Crysis but thats not a bad thing even though i prefer Crysis over Warhead. No other FPS ive seen so far from E3 plays like this.
But we have only a glimpse of it. We have no idea if the game will be big like Crysis 1 or on much smaller scale. I mean, let's face it... 512MB or RAM can only render so much, and a game with that kind of graphics probably needs a lot of it. I know Yerli talked about how it was "very rare" that he would take objects out of all versions to fit on the consoles, but still.
Anyways, I knew after Crysis 1, they would eventually go onto making smaller scale, more cinematic games. I just could tell it would happen. It appears to be the case, I think it looks meh. Might still turn out to be good, but it looks meh to me honestly.
But we have only a glimpse of it. We have no idea if the game will be big like Crysis 1 or on much smaller scale. I mean, let's face it... 512MB or RAM can only render so much, and a game with that kind of graphics probably needs a lot of it. I know Yerli talked about how it was "very rare" that he would take objects out of all versions to fit on the consoles, but still.
Anyways, I knew after Crysis 1, they would eventually go onto making smaller scale, more cinematic games. I just could tell it would happen. It appears to be the case, I think it looks meh. Might still turn out to be good, but it looks meh to me honestly.
Well i guess we can agree to disagree. It seems your not hyped for a single FPS game that is coming out, and i'm hyped for most of them even if they aren't doing much new.
Althought the first pic looks plausible to be on consoles, the two others definetly do not. IF the game turns out to be just as good looking on consoles as those vids show, then I will be pleasantly surprised. I reserve my judgment until release. Also, remember that the framerate is the key issue here. If crysis 2 runs on consoles with that much detail, but suffers from poor framerate, it will not be gfx king on he consoles. IF they manage to keep a stable framerate (30+), then that would be awesome indeed.
To nitpick, the ground textures seem flat, and the white "goo" emerging from the monsters is really out of place. My two cents.
Well i guess we can agree to disagree. It seems your not hyped for a single FPS game that is coming out, and i'm hyped for most of them even if they aren't doing much new.
Well, I'm excited for Half Life 2 Episode 3, but only because I'm so invested in the damned story that Valve refuses to finish. :x
Well, I'm excited for Half Life 2 Episode 3, but only because I'm so invested in the damned story that Valve refuses to finish. :x
I want HL2 EP3, but its Valve, its so hard to hype it because who knows when it all be released, for all we know they may just scrap it and give us HL3 instead,its been long enough.
They could never ever make another game again and just live of the royalties from Steam if they wanted to, its really hard to get hyped about Valve games, they don't need to release games to make money!When its in my hands i will start to care but until then whats the point as they can not give solid release dates ever!
So what?The draw distance on the first image are kinda crappy. Look the buildings in the background.
Lol, did people even click on the links with the gameplay footage or are you just looking at the images? Looks absolutely beautiful!
It might be PC footage actually.1stPlaceWinner
This is 360 footage because it has the button configuration prompts from the 360 controller....unless of course PCs automatically configure themselves to display 360 button prompts once a 360 controller is plugged into a PC. Again did people even click on the links and watch the whole footage :?
This is 360 footage because it has the button configuration prompts from the 360 controller....unless of course PCs automatically configure themselves to display 360 button prompts once a 360 controller is plugged into a PC. Again did people even click on the links and watch the whole footage :?
For many games they do.
On the Crymod forums a Crytek person has said it was either 360 or PC at 360 settings.
Lol, did people even click on the links with the gameplay footage or are you just looking at the images? Looks absolutely beautiful!
[QUOTE="1stPlaceWinner"]It might be PC footage actually.T-razor1
This is 360 footage because it has the button configuration prompts from the 360 controller....unless of course PCs automatically configure themselves to display 360 button prompts once a 360 controller is plugged into a PC. Again did people even click on the links and watch the whole footage :?
Yes 360 bottons do appear in GFW games whin the 360 controller is plugged in, even Crysis 1 had that.Lol, did people even click on the links with the gameplay footage or are you just looking at the images? Looks absolutely beautiful!
[QUOTE="1stPlaceWinner"]It might be PC footage actually.T-razor1
This is 360 footage because it has the button configuration prompts from the 360 controller....unless of course PCs automatically configure themselves to display 360 button prompts once a 360 controller is plugged into a PC. Again did people even click on the links and watch the whole footage :?
If your trying to be sarcastic, you failed at it pretty badly. Plenty of PC games will change their display when a controller plugged in. I believe the original Crysis did, and even Brink did, where at last showing the PC version was shown being played with a 360 gamepad.
Lol, did people even click on the links with the gameplay footage or are you just looking at the images? Looks absolutely beautiful!
[QUOTE="1stPlaceWinner"]It might be PC footage actually.T-razor1
This is 360 footage because it has the button configuration prompts from the 360 controller....unless of course PCs automatically configure themselves to display 360 button prompts once a 360 controller is plugged into a PC. Again did people even click on the links and watch the whole footage :?
Actually that does happen in PC games.[QUOTE="T-razor1"]
Lol, did people even click on the links with the gameplay footage or are you just looking at the images? Looks absolutely beautiful!
[QUOTE="1stPlaceWinner"]It might be PC footage actually.cobrax25
This is 360 footage because it has the button configuration prompts from the 360 controller....unless of course PCs automatically configure themselves to display 360 button prompts once a 360 controller is plugged into a PC. Again did people even click on the links and watch the whole footage :?
If your trying to be sarcastic, you failed at it pretty badly. Plenty of PC games will change their display when a controller plugged in. I believe the original Crysis did, and even Brink did, where at last showing the PC version was shown being played with a 360 gamepad.
I wasn't trying to be sarcastic or anything I was honestly thinking out loud because I don't game on PCs. I guess we don't know for sure but my gut is telling me that's 360 footage. I just wish Crysis would stop playing games and just tell people when they demo some footage to just say outrightwhether itis 360 or PCfootage.
:lol: what in god's name are you comparing it too? Real life? :lol:Honestly, Crysis 2 looks meh. It looks like it might be fun for a little while, but the whole thing just screams meh.
the fact that so many people think its the PC version pretty much confirms it as the graphics king on consoles i guess :PSilenthpsI guess you didnt see the ign demo where is crashed and revealed it was pc. also, those pics are scaled down from 1080p.
A Crytek employee said it was either the 360 version or the PC version at 360 settings. The 3D trailer is what the PC version looks like.That has to be 360 footage otherwise its very average PC footage. Which in turn would mean the console versions would look even worse.
Persistent troll is persistent. By any chance did you just skip through the video with the volume muted? Not being interested in it is understandable, but Crysis 2 is far from average.Looks like an average sci-shooter with excellent graphics. Rage looks a lot more fun and original. I may pick up Crysis 2 when it is in the bargain bin and I have nothing else to play.
The draw distance on the first image are kinda crappy. Look the buildings in the background.
lol i live in ny and there is almost no draw distance in the city
I guess you didnt see the ign demo where is crashed and revealed it was pc. also, those pics are scaled down from 1080p.[QUOTE="killzowned24"][QUOTE="Silenthps"]the fact that so many people think its the PC version pretty much confirms it as the graphics king on consoles i guess :PxBarcadiax
Well you statement is completely mute for not putting up a link.
I don't have a link to either, atm, but a Crysis employee has stated that the gameplay footage that's been shown is the PC version at 360 settings.[QUOTE="fun-da-mental"]
The draw distance on the first image are kinda crappy. Look the buildings in the background.
lol i live in ny and there is almost no draw distance in the city
i can see so far in NY
I am more interested in PC version, I might just skip it all together, I like the lush jungle setting more than a new york city type of a setting.
I am more interested in PC version, I might just skip it all together, I like the lush jungle setting more than a new york city type of a setting.
If it was jungle again people would criticize it for that. I don't think Crytek wanted to make another jungle game either and i don't blame them, i'm glad its not a jungle we already had Crysis 1.5 with Warhead, at least you can't say Crysis 2 isin't worthy of the 2 with its complete new setting unlike alot of sequels.
I am more interested in PC version, I might just skip it all together, I like the lush jungle setting more than a new york city type of a setting.
If it was jungle again people wouldcriticize it for that. I don't think Crytek wanted to make another jungle game either and i don't blame them, i'm glad its not a jungle we already had Crysis 1.5 with Warhead, at least you can't say Crysis 2 isin't worthy of the 2 with its complete new setting unlike alot of sequels.
I'm pretty sure after Crysis came out people were ASKING for a change in scenery.I'm pretty sure after Crysis came out people were ASKING for a change in scenery.AAllxxjjnn
And they've got it. Complaining Crysis 2 isin't in a jungle setting is just pointless, go and play Crysis/Warhead if you want a jungle.
Crysis 2 looks like a sequel, but when i look at Dead Space 2, Killzone 3, Halo Reach etc i dont see sequels, i see expansion packs.
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