@DarthaPerkinjan said:
@CloudStrife213 said:
@DarthaPerkinjan said:
@CloudStrife213 said:
They are not, not a single 1-star review is verified for the Xbox One. Clearly you are a Sony fanboy, bitter that the PS4 did have issues and that people were reporting it on Amazon in the hundreds.
Give it up. Alot of people got X boned. There will be more reviews up tomorrow. The disc drive is cheap and defective. That is a fact. If they dont break day 1 they'll break soon enough, Im sure.
It's funny that you wish upon any console to break. What a sad and pathetic person. Where were you when all of the PS4 issues were being reported?
PS4 issues as in fake 1 star reviews? Sony sold 1,000,000 units in 24 hours. There was bound to be some bad systems. X Bone issues will just now start to come out, because Microsoft banned anybody who got a console early. Probably because of the bad disc drives.
My PS4 works just fine thank you. I dont need to bark at it like a dog to make it do something either. I just press a button. BOOM.
How are those fake 1 star reviews? Check the review and it is an "Amazon Verified Purchases". Those are in the hundreds. They are NOT FAKE. They are verified purchases.
So if the Xbox has only some issues being reported you deem it to be widespread, but not the same with the PS4? You are such a pathetic fanboy.
A faulty disk drive is a common issue to any piece of electronic hardware. Not really an issue for me. Some PS4s do have some disk drive issues, as seen in the past week.
So far, no widespread reports and issues being reported, so to me there is nothing to be worried about.
The second video where it doesn't boot up and stays at the logo is because of him not reading the instructions:
Guys, this is why you read instructions before using. This is the initial bootup process. The instructions clearly say this process may take a few moments. The lights on Kinect mean its booting up its OS.......
It is simply booting up. If this issue were really widespread, it would be all over the internet by now.
No 1-star "Verified Amazon Purchases" on the Xbox One Amazon page. Only troll reviews.
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