What is taking the Steam Summer Sale so long to begin anyways?!? -- but I guess it figures that my first time participating in the hype would make it feel like it's taking forever to start. lol!
I'm not good at setting money aside, so I hope the wait isn't too much longer, otherwise I'll probably start spending that money on other things. Nice MP3/BDP deal though. Very tempting. But I'll wait it out.
One of the developers on steam accident let slip the date
Oh wow, can't say i'm not slightly disappointed considering how impatient I am about it. I though it was like something that started by the 4th of July at the latest, but that's still a week and a half away. 'Ah well. Not that much longer. Thnx!
I'm mainly waiting to get Amnesia for really cheap, but I might just say f*ck it and fork over the $20...
Even though it's totally worth it, I've seen it go on sale quite a few times -- you're probably much better off just waiting it out and getting it for $10 or less. But I doubt you would regret it either way.
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